
【字体: 时间:2001年04月02日 来源:



    ImmumEasy Mouse Adjuvant是一种专为在小鼠体内制备高效价抗体而设计的新型佐剂,含有特效免疫诱导剂CpG DNA,这是一种序列中含有特定的未经甲基化的胞嘧啶—鸟嘌呤二核苷酸结构的寡核苷酸,由于这种序列通常存在于细菌DNA中,当进入哺乳动物体内时会被免疫系统识别,并当作是感染的信号而传递,因而会非常迅速地引起强烈的免疫反应。当这种佐剂和抗原混合注射时,CpG DNA诱导产生高效价的抗原特异性抗体。(参考资料见下)

    ImmunEasy Mouse Adjuvant产生的抗体效价往往高于弗氏完全佐剂(Freund's complete adjuvant),而且注射后只需2周即达到免疫应答高峰期(而不是传统的4周);ImmunEasy Mouse Adjuvant所需的抗原量要远远少于常规佐剂所需的抗原量;佐剂本身没有毒性,不会引起副作用;还有一个优点是容易操作,只需加入抗原混合,室温下5—10分钟后即可注射,无需加热、超声波处理、乳化等复杂步骤,也就避免了这些步骤出错而可能引起的问题。

    ImmunEasy Mouse Adjuvant可以用于多种形式的抗原,如多肽、可溶蛋白、病毒样颗粒、多醣耦联物、全细胞产物等。由于不同的CpG DNA序列会激活不同的动物,为免疫小鼠而设计的ImmunEasy Mouse Adjuvant只适用于小鼠。由于没有毒性,即使过量使用ImmunEasy Mouse Adjuvant也不会引起受免疫小鼠的中毒症状。


Figure 1
Augmentation of anti-recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) titers by different adjuvants in BALB/c mice. Total IgG titers in plasma of BALB/c mice immunized by intramuscular injection of 1 µg HBsAg alone (no adjuvant) or in combination with various adjuvants. Each bar represents the geometric group mean (n = 5–10) for total IgG anti-HBsAg.


Figure 2
BALB/c mice were immunized with 1 µg HBsAg and boosted 1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks later. With alum, peak post-boost antibody titers were obtained with a boost at 4 weeks (data not shown). With ImmunEasy Mouse Adjuvant, peak titers could be attained with a boost as early as 2 weeks after the prime immunization.




 Figure 3
BALB/c mice were immunized with a single dose of 1 µg HBsAg alone (no adjuvant) or with different adjuvants. The muscles were removed and photographed seven days later. The degree of muscle damage was evaluated by nine blinded evaluators who were shown several photographs for each adjuvant in random order. Scores indicate 0: no, 1: minimal, 2: moderate, and 3: severe damage.
Photographs of muscles representative of the scoring system. Mean score for muscle damage for each adjuvant.







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