
【字体: 时间:2009年10月23日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,华南理工大学生物科学与工程学院博士研究生一年级学生王珊在导师王小宁的指导下在细胞免疫学方面研究获得突破,相关成果文章Internalization of NK cells into tumor cells requires ezrin and leads to programmed cell-in-cell death发表在《Nature》系列子刊Cell Research在线版上。


生物通报道,华南理工大学生物科学与工程学院博士研究生一年级学生王珊在导师王小宁的指导下在细胞免疫学方面研究获得突破,相关成果文章Internalization of NK cells into tumor cells requires ezrin and leads to programmed cell-in-cell death发表在《Nature》系列子刊Cell Research在线版上。




王小宁教授25年前在研究免疫细胞NK细胞与肿瘤细胞相互作用时曾发现,NK细胞可以“钻入”瘤细胞内,不但可以从内部杀伤瘤细胞,更重要的是大多进入肿瘤的NK细胞反被瘤细胞“杀伤”。2007年,美国科学家在Cell发表论文也证实一些瘤细胞可以互相“钻入”同质瘤细胞,进入的细胞的主要命运也主要表现为胞内死亡,并且是一种新的细胞死亡方式,称为Entosis,与王小宁教授20多年前的发现十分相像。Entosis的作者随后阅读了王小宁20多年前的研究论文,认为与其发现十分相似并在其随后发表在Nature Review杂志的综述论文中对此做了正面引用。








(生物通 小茜)


Cell Research advance online publication 29 September 2009; doi: 10.1038/cr.2009.114


Internalization of NK cells into tumor cells requires ezrin and leads to programmed cell-in-cell death

Shan Wang1,2,*, Zhen Guo3,*, Peng Xia3, Tingting Liu1, Jufang Wang1, Shan Li1, Lihua Sun1, Jianxin Lu2, Qian Wen4, Mingqian Zhou4, Li Ma4, Xia Ding5, Xiaoning Wang1,2,4 and Xuebiao Yao3


1School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China

2Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China

3Anhui Key Laboratory for Cellular Dynamics and Chemical Biology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China

4Nanfang Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China

5Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100086, China

Correspondence: Xiaoning Wang, E-mail: xnwang@21cn.net; Xuebiao Yao, E-mail: yaoxb@ustc.edu.cn


*These two authors contributed equally to this work.


Received 19 February 2009; Revised 14 June 2009; Accepted 16 July 2009; Published online 29 September 2009.


Cytotoxic lymphocytes are key players in the orchestration of immune response and elimination of defective cells. We have previously reported that natural killer (NK) cells enter target tumor cells, leading to either target cell death or self-destruction within tumor cells. However, it has remained elusive as to the fate of NK cells after internalization and whether the heterotypic cell-in-cell process is different from that of the homotypic cell-in-cell event recently named entosis. Here, we show that NK cells undergo a cell-in-cell process with the ultimate fate of apoptosis within tumor cells and reveal that the internalization process requires the actin cytoskeletal regulator, ezrin. To visualize how NK cells enter into tumor cells, we carried out real-time dual color imaging analyses of NK cell internalization into tumor cells. Surprisingly, most NK cells commit to programmed cell death after their entry into tumor cells, which is distinctively different from entosis observed in the homotypic cell-in-cell process. The apoptotic cell death of the internalized NK cells was evident by activation of caspase 3 and DNA fragmentation. Furthermore, NK cell death after internalization is attenuated by the caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD-FMK, confirming apoptosis as the mode of NK cell death within tumor cells. To determine protein factors essential for the entry of NK cells into tumor cells, we carried out siRNA-based knockdown analysis and discovered a critical role of ezrin in NK cell internalization. Importantly, PKA-mediated phosphorylation of ezrin promotes the NK cell internalization process. Our findings suggest a novel regulatory mechanism by which ezrin governs NK cell internalization into tumor cells.



     王小宁教授是国内知名中青年免疫学及生物技术专家,总后科技“新星”、“科技银星”、广东省首批“五个一”学术带头人、全国“优秀骨干教师”。从事免疫学及生物技术研究20年,发表论文100余篇,其中在ScienceNature MedicineCancer Research等著名杂志署名发表过论文。92年以来主持申请的省级以上课题30余项,参加编写专著5部,发表论文140余篇。96年以来获评省部级科技进步一等奖1项,二等奖3项,三等奖3项,获发明专利证书1项,国家新药证书1项,申请国家发明专利7项,并获证书1项。申报国家III类新药2项,其中一项以1200万转让,并已实现产业化。曾先后在西安、北京、广州组建多个生物技术实验室,是第一军医大学生物技术中心及免疫学科的创始人。同济大学四平路



     2.免疫因子及细胞的生物治疗研究。主要通过生物技术克隆表达新的细胞因子基因,并发展成为新的治疗用药;通过体外基因和细胞操作制备特异性的DCT细胞用于肿瘤和病毒性疾病的治疗;采用核移植和干细胞培养技术在体外制备造血干细胞及多功能干细胞用于治疗肿瘤及造血性疾病。336260 37


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