
【字体: 时间:2009年06月25日 来源:生物通











赛诺菲-安万特制药集团发言人Christopher Viebacher表示,将专门拨出产量的10%用于免费发放。赛诺菲-安万特制药集团副总裁表示,在未来的1年,公司的产能至少可达到8亿支疫苗。


WHO总干事陈冯富珍对两公司的做法表示赞赏,称这一行为十分慷慨。但是,赛诺菲-安万特制药集团一名已退休的前流感疫苗专家David Fedson表示,WHO不能高兴太早,赛诺菲-安万特制药集团生产所在地美国和法国政府未必会让疫苗如此轻松的走出国境内,除非两国都储备有足够的流感疫苗。


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(生物通 小茜)


Second Vaccine Maker Promises Free Swine Flu Shots for Developing World


Vaccine maker sanofi-aventis plans to donate 100 million doses of its A(H1N1) pandemic vaccine, currently in development, to the World Health Organization for use in developing nations that cannot afford to buy it  hemselves. The donation, which came on the heels of a similar move by GlaxoSmithKline, was announced yesterday during the opening session of the Pacific Health Summit in Seattle, Washington.


Christopher Viehbacher pledged that sanofi-aventis will donate 10% of the vaccine it produces to WHO. Robert Sebbag, the company’s vice president for access to medicines, says sanofi-aventis believes it can make at least 800 million doses the 1st year after production starts. That number could be several times higher, however, if the vaccine contains a so-called adjuvant, a compound that amplifies the host’s immune response, meaning that less viral protein is needed per shot. How well the adjuvanted vaccine will work and whether it will receive approval from regulatory authorities remains to be seen.


In a statement issued yesterday, WHO Director General Margaret Chan welcomed the donation, calling it a “sizeable and generous gesture.” But David Fedson, a retired pharma executive and influenza vaccine expert living in France, cautions that the two countries where sanofi has manufacturing plants—the United States and France—may prevent vaccine from crossing their borders until they have enough to protect their own populations. Such an action that might leave WHO empty-handed.


Last week, GlaxoSmithKline said  it had offered WHO to convert its planned donation of 50 million doses of a so-called pre-pandemic vaccine for H5N1 avian influenza to the new A(H1N1) strain that it is now making. Novartis, the third major producer of flu vaccine, will not donate vaccine, the Financial Times reported on Sunday, but the company said it will consider a price break for developing countries.

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