
【字体: 时间:2009年09月23日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,中国科学院昆明动物研究所张亚平院士近期发表文章,通过遗传技术确认狗起源中国,这一成果受学术界肯定,被《Science》以专题形式报道。近日,他所带领的研究小组再度在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》发表文章,揭示灵长目疣猴亚科食性适应性进化遗传机制的新认识。


生物通报道,中国科学院昆明动物研究所张亚平院士近期发表文章,通过遗传技术确认狗起源中国,这一成果受学术界肯定,被《Science》以专题形式报道。近日,他所带领的研究小组再度在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》发表文章,揭示灵长目疣猴亚科食性适应性进化遗传机制的新认识。




然而,关于RNASE1基因重复在疣猴亚科亚洲叶猴和非洲叶猴中的进化模式目前存在着两种截然不同的假说:一是Zhang等人在2006年基于基因全长分析提出的独立重复假说(independent duplication hypothesis),即RNASE1基因重复发生在亚洲叶猴和非洲叶猴分歧之后,在亚洲叶猴和非洲叶猴中独立产生;二是Schienman等(2006)和Xu (2009)基于编码区分析提出的一次重复假说(one duplication event hypothesis),即基因重复发生在亚洲叶猴和非洲叶猴分歧之前,并认为基于非编码区和基因全长分析得到的独立重复假说是由于基因间频繁的基因转换造成的。









Research Article

Adaptive evolution of digestive RNASE1 genes in leaf-eating monkeys revisited: new insights from 10 additional Colobines

Li Yu*,$, Xiao-yan Wang*,$, Wei Jin*, Peng-tao Luan*, Nelson Ting and Ya-ping Zhang*,

* Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-resource & Key Laboratory for Microbial Resources of the Ministry of Education, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, PR, China

 State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, and Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Domestic Animals, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming 650223, China

 Anthropology Program, City University of New York Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA


Correspondence to: Ya-ping Zhang, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming 650223, China, Phone: 86-871-5190761, FAX: 86-871-5195430, E-mail: zhangyp1@263.net.cn or zhangyp@mail.kiz.ac.cn


Li Yu, Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-resource, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China; Phone: 86-871-5033362, FAX: 86-871-5033362, E-mail: yuli1220@yahoo.com.cn


Received for publication June 22, 2009. Revision received September 1, 2009. Accepted for publication September 4, 2009.


Pancreatic RNase genes implicated in the adaptation of the colobine monkeys to leaf-eating have long intrigued evolutionary biologists since the identification of a duplicated RNASE1 gene with enhanced digestive efficiencies in Pygathrix nemaeus. The recent emergence of two contrasting hypotheses, i.e., independent duplication and one duplication event hypotheses, make it into focus again. Current understanding of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution largely depends on the analyses of few colobine species. The present study with more intensive taxonomic and character sampling not only provides a clearer picture of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution, but also allows to have a more thorough understanding about the molecular basis underlying the adaptation of Colobinae to the unique leaf-feeding lifestyle. The present broader and detailed phylogenetic analyses yielded two important findings: (1) All trees based on the analyses of coding, noncoding and both regions provided consistent evidence indicating RNASE1 duplication occurred after Asian and African colobines speciation, i.e., independent duplication hypothesis; (2) No obvious evidence of gene conversion in RNASE1 gene was found, favoring independent evolution of Colobine RNASE1 gene duplicates. The conclusion drawn from previous studies that gene conversion has played a significant role in the evolution of Colobine RNASE1 was not supported. Our selective constraint analyses also provided interesting insights, with significant evidence of positive selection detected on ancestor lineages leading to duplicated gene copies. The identification of a handful of new adaptive sites and amino acid changes that have not been characterized previously also provide a necessary foundation for further experimental investigations of RNASE1 functional evolution in Colobinae.

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