
【字体: 时间:2010年04月07日 来源:生物通


  北京生命科学研究所、北京协和医学院、北京师范大学和中国农业大学的科研工作者在DNA复制过程中核小体装配研究方面取得新的进展,相关成果文章Partition of histone H3/H4 tetramers during DNA replication dependent chromatin assembly公布在最新一期的Science上。


生物通报道,北京生命科学研究所、北京协和医学院、北京师范大学和中国农业大学的科研工作者在DNA复制过程中核小体装配研究方面取得新的进展,相关成果文章Partition of histone H3/H4 tetramers during DNA replication dependent chromatin assembly公布在最新一期的Science上。


同期的Science刊发了法国居里研究所Geneviève Almouzni博士的评论文章Mixing or not mixing








Geneviève Almouzni博士等在评论中指出“尽管早期研究认为,组蛋白H2A-H2B可以在核小体之间交换而H3-H4四聚体保持稳定,但是近年关于新合成的H3-H4以二聚体形式与histone chaperone组装的发现重新激起了争论”,作者们的研究工作“确凿了关于旧的组蛋白H3-H4四聚体保持稳定的早期研究”,同时还发现“组蛋白变体H3.3H4形成的四聚体在细胞周期中可以发生分裂”。该评论认为“下一步的挑战在于,探究这些核小体重组模式是如何与组蛋白修饰的继承方式相关联的”以及“细胞是如何做出重组与否的选择,而这种选择是否在细胞生命和个体发育过程中被调控”。

(生物通 小茜)

Roche免费派送实时定量PCR技术指导手册 赶快点击索取


Partitioning of Histone H3-H4 Tetramers During DNA Replication–Dependent Chromatin Assembly

Mo Xu,1,2,* Chengzu Long,2,* Xiuzhen Chen,3,2 Chang Huang,4,2 She Chen,2, Bing Zhu2,


Semiconservative DNA replication ensures the faithful duplication of genetic information during cell divisions. However, how epigenetic information carried by histone modifications propagates through mitotic divisions remains elusive. To address this question, the DNA replication–dependent nucleosome partition pattern must be clarified. Here, we report significant amounts of H3.3-H4 tetramers split in vivo, whereas most H3.1-H4 tetramers remained intact. Inhibiting DNA replication–dependent deposition greatly reduced the level of splitting events, which suggests that (i) the replication-independent H3.3 deposition pathway proceeds largely by cooperatively incorporating two new H3.3-H4 dimers and (ii) the majority of splitting events occurred during replication-dependent deposition. Our results support the idea that "silent" histone modifications within large heterochromatic regions are maintained by copying modifications from neighboring preexisting histones without the need for H3-H4 splitting events.


1 Graduate Program, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, People’s Republic of China.

2 National Institute of Biological Sciences, 7 Science Park Road, Zhong Guan Cun Life Science Park, Beijing 102206, People’s Republic of China.

3 Life Science College, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, People’s Republic of China.

4 Department of Biochemistry, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, People’s Republic of China.




本实验室的兴趣主要集中在研究表型遗传学(Epigenetics)的生物化学机理。众所周知,各种不同的体细胞均具有同一基因组,然而却各自表达不同类的基因。近年来的许多研究工作表明染色质(chromatin)的各种共价修饰,如组蛋白修饰(histone modifications)DNA甲基化修饰,对基因表达的表型遗传学调控起着重要作用。染色质修饰的多样性以及对这些修饰的识别为细胞提供了一套遗传信息的检索系统。本实验室致力于利用生物化学手段分离纯化与染色质修饰有关的各类蛋白质复合体(protein complex),研究它们的生物学功能和作用机理。



1. 共转录染色质修饰 (Co-transcriptional chromatin modifications):在基因转录过程中,作为遗传信息的载体和转录的模板,染色质上发生着众多的动态变化。目前已知的共转录染色质修饰包括组蛋白乙酰化(histone acetylation),组蛋白H2B单泛素化(histone H2B mono-ubiquitination)以及组蛋白H3若干赖氨酸位点(-Lys4, 36, 79)的专一性甲基化等。本实验室将对H2B单泛素化及其下游H3赖氨酸甲基化的分子机制和生物学意义进行研究。



1. Mo Xu, Chengzu Long, Xiuzhen Chen, Chang Huang, She Chen*, Bing Zhu*. (2010) Partitioning of histone H3-H4 tetramers during DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly. Science 328:94-98. *: corresponding authors

2. Guangshuai Jia, Weixiang Wang, Hong Li, Zhuo Mao, Gaihong Cai, Jian Sun, Hui Wu, Mo Xu, Peng Yang, Wen Yuan, She Chen, Bing Zhu*. (2009) A systematic evaluation of the compatibility of histones containing methyl-lysine analogues with biochemical reactions. Cell Res. 19:1217-1220.  *: corresponding author

3. Wen Yuan, Jingwei xie, Chengzu Long, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Xiaojun Ding, Yong Zheng, Paul Tempst, She Chen, Bing Zhu* and Danny Reinberg* (2009)  Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L (HnRNP-L) is a subunit of human KMT3a/Set2 complex required for H3 lys36 trimethylation activity in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 284:15701-15707. *: corresponding authors

4. Nicolas Moniaux, Christophe Nemos, Shonali Deb, Bing Zhu, Irena Dornreiter, Michael A. Hollingsworth, and Surinder K. Batra (2009) The human RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 (hPaf1): a new regulator of cell-cycle progression. PLoS One. 4: e7077.

5. Rushad Pavri, Bing Zhu, Guohong Li, Patrick Trojer, Subhrangsu Mandal, Ali Shilatifard, and Danny Reinberg (2006) Histone H2B Mono-ubiquitination Functions Cooperatively with FACT to Regulate Elongation by RNA Polymerase II. Cell. 125: 703-717

6. Karen Adelman, Wenxiang Wei, M. Behfar Ardelhali, Janis Werner, Bing Zhu, Danny Reinberg, John T. Lis. (2006) The Drosophila Paf1 complex modulates chromatin structure at actively transcribed genes. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26: 250-260

7. Bing Zhu, Yong Zheng, Anh-Dung Pham, Subhrangsu S. Mandal, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, and Danny Reinberg. (2005) Mono-Ubiquitination of Human Histone H2B: the Factors Involved and their Roles in Hox Gene Regulation. Molecular Cell. 20: 601-611

8. Bing Zhu, Subhrangsu S. Mandal, Anh-Dung Pham, Yong Zheng, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Surinder K. Batra, Paul Tempst, Danny Reinberg. (2005) The Human PAF Complex Coordinates Transcription with Events Downstream of RNA Synthesis. Genes Dev. 19: 1668-1673

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