上海交大最新《Nucleic Acids Research》文章

【字体: 时间:2011年03月25日 来源:生物通


  来自上海交通大学基础医学院细胞分化与凋亡重点实验室的研究人员发表了题为“ASD: a comprehensive database of allosteric proteins and modulators”的研究论文,通过生物信息学手段分析了存在别构效应的各种蛋白,揭示了别构效应发生的机理和出现的方式,探讨了别构损伤和肿瘤、早老性痴呆等疾病的相关性。这一研究成果公布在生物信息学领域著名杂志《Nucleic Acids Research》上。


生物通报道:来自上海交通大学基础医学院细胞分化与凋亡重点实验室,华东理工大学等处的研究人员发表了题为“ASD: a comprehensive database of allosteric proteins and modulators”的研究论文,通过生物信息学手段分析了存在别构效应的各种蛋白,揭示了别构效应发生的机理和出现的方式,探讨了别构损伤和肿瘤、早老性痴呆等疾病的相关性。这一研究成果公布在生物信息学领域著名杂志《Nucleic Acids Research》上。


Allosteric regulation(别构调节),是指利用调节物(配体或其它分子)结合在蛋白质活性位点以外的位点(别构位点)所产生的一种直接、快速、有效的蛋白质功能、结构或适应性的调节方式,参与细胞代谢,信号转导等重要生命过程。





ASD: a comprehensive database of allosteric proteins and modulators

Allostery is the most direct, rapid and efficient way of regulating protein function, ranging from the control of metabolic mechanisms to signal-transduction pathways. However, an enormous amount of unsystematic allostery information has deterred scientists who could benefit from this field. Here, we present the AlloSteric Database (ASD), the first online database that provides a central resource for the display, search and analysis of structure, function and related annotation for allosteric molecules. Currently, ASD contains 336 allosteric proteins from 101 species and 8095 modulators in three categories (activators, inhibitors and regulators). Proteins are annotated with a detailed description of allostery, biological process and related diseases, and modulators with binding affinity, physicochemical properties and therapeutic area. Integrating the information of allosteric proteins in ASD should allow for the identification of specific allosteric sites of a given subtype among proteins of the same family that can potentially serve as ideal targets for experimental validation. In addition, modulators curated in ASD can be used to investigate potent allosteric targets for the query compound, and also help chemists to implement structure modifications for novel allosteric drug design. Therefore, ASD could be a platform and a starting point for biologists and medicinal chemists for furthering allosteric research. ASD is freely available at http://mdl.shsmu.edu.cn/ASD/.

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