
【字体: 时间:2015年03月30日 来源:生物通


  三月二十六日,国际著名学术期刊《Journal of Biological Chemistry》刊登了同济大学生命科学与技术学院康九红课题组的一项最新研究成果,题为“A Motif from K216 to K222 in Human BUB3 Is A Nuclear Localization Signal and Critical for BUB3 Function in Mitotic Checkpoint”。本文第一作者和通讯作者为康九红实验室副教授朱颂成博士。


生物通报道:三月二十六日,国际著名学术期刊《Journal of Biological Chemistry》刊登了同济大学生命科学与技术学院康九红课题组的一项最新研究成果,题为“A Motif from K216 to K222 in Human BUB3 Is A Nuclear Localization Signal and Critical for BUB3 Function in Mitotic Checkpoint”。本文第一作者和通讯作者为康九红实验室副教授朱颂成博士。

康九红教授现任同济大学生命科学与技术学院党总支书记,主要从事细胞外信号调节表观遗传、基因转录及细胞命运决定等的机制研究。1998年以来,主持多项国家基金委、科技部、教育部和上海市等科研项目,在Cell、Nature、Nat Immunol等国际著名学术期刊发表研究论文70余篇,SCI他引千余次。朱颂成博士2002年获中科院上海植物生理生态研究所博士学位,2002年至2007年在美国科罗拉多大学波尔得分校从事博士后研究。2008年至今在同济大学生命科学与技术学院,从事干细胞、肿瘤及有丝分裂监测点相关的表观遗传学和信号传导研究,曾在JBC、Cell Research、Stem Cells等学术期刊发表研究论文。延伸阅读:康九红教授研究组JBC发现癌细胞转移新机制







A Motif from K216 to K222 in Human BUB3 Is A Nuclear Localization Signal and Critical for BUB3 Function in Mitotic Checkpoint
Abstract: Human BUB3 is a key mitotic checkpoint factor that recognizes centromeric components and recruits other mitotic checkpoint molecules to the unattached kinetochore. The key amino acid residues responsible for its localization are not yet defined. In this study, we identified a motif from K216 to K222 in BUB3 as its nuclear localization signal. A BUB3 mutant with deletion of this motif (Del216-222) was found localize to both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, distinct from the exclusively nuclear distribution of wild-type BUB3. Further analysis revealed that residues E213, K216, K217, K218, Y219 and F221, but not K222, contribute to nuclear localization. Interestingly, the nuclear localization signal was also critical for the kinetochore localization of BUB3. The deletion mutant Del216-222 and a subtle mutant with four residue changes in this region (QE) did not localize to the kinetochore efficiently or mediate mitotic checkpoint arrest. Protein interaction data suggested that the QE mutant was able to interact with BUB1, MAD2 and BubR1 but that its association with the centromeric components CENP-A and KNL1 was impaired. A motif from L61 to L65 in CENP-A was found to be involved in the association of BUB3 and CENP-A in cells, however, further assays suggested that CENP-A does not physically interact with BUB3, and does not affect BUB3 localization. Our findings help to dissect the mechanisms of BUB3 in mitotic checkpoint signaling.


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