
【字体: 时间:2017年02月17日 来源:中山大学





多粘菌素是临床抗击细菌感染的“最后一线”药物。此前研究均表明多粘菌素耐药机制都是由染色体介导,而该合作团队于2016年初在《柳叶刀感染性疾病》上发表论文,发现并提出了多粘菌素耐药的新机制和新观点:质粒也可以介导多粘菌素耐药,并阐明是由质粒携带的MCR-1基因引起(Lancet Infectious Diseases.2016;16(2):161-8)。本文是该合作团队继发现MCR-1后,在细菌耐药领域的又一重要研究成果。

该论文首先对采集自广东和浙江临床病人和健康人21621份样本做了回顾性研究,阐明了MCR-1的耐药流行现状和趋势。研究结果表明,MCR-1阳性率逐年显著升高,临床病人甚至健康人都检出MCR-1,而且MCR-1阳性菌株更容易形成多重耐药或泛耐药菌株。同时,运用全基因组测序技术分析了MCR-1质粒和菌株类型。研究结果显示,不仅携带mcr-1基因的耐药质粒类型具有丰富多样性(如IncX4、IncI2等),而且携带MCR-1的菌株类型也相当丰富(如ST10, ST156, ST131等),表明MCR-1同时存在水平传播和垂直传播的巨大风险,预示未来可能会出现更广泛的传播和流行,需引起全球持续广泛的重视。

Figure: Minimum spanning tree of mcr-1-positive E coli by MLST type and gene allele from colonized patients from hospitals and colonised health volunteers



Prevalence, risk factors, outcomes, and molecular epidemiology of mcr-1-positive Enterobacteriaceae in patients and healthy adults from China: an epidemiological and clinical study


The mcr-1 gene confers transferable colistin resistance. mcr-1-positive Enterobacteriaceae (MCRPE) have attracted substantial medical, media, and political attention; however, so far studies have not addressed their clinical impact. Herein, we report the prevalence of MCRPE in human infections and carriage, clinical associations of mcr-1-positive Escherichia coli (MCRPEC) infection, and risk factors for MCRPEC carriage.


We undertook this study at two hospitals in Zhejiang and Guangdong, China. We did a retrospective cross-sectional assessment of prevalence of MCRPE infection from isolates of Gram-negative bacteria collected at the hospitals from 2007 to 2015 (prevalence study). We did a retrospective case-control study of risk factors for infection and mortality after infection, using all MCRPEC from infection isolates and a random sample of mcr-1-negative E coli infections from the retrospective collection between 2012 and 2015 (infection study). We also did a prospective case-control study to assess risk factors for carriage of MCRPEC in rectal swabs from inpatients with MCRPEC and mcr-1 negative at the hospitals and collected between May and December, 2015, compared with mcr-1-negative isolates from rectal swabs of inpatients (colonisation study). Strains were analysed for antibiotic resistance, plasmid typing, and transfer analysis, and strain relatedness.


We identified 21 621 non-duplicate isolates of Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter spp, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa from 18 698 inpatients and 2923 healthy volunteers. Of 17 498 isolates associated with infection, mcr-1 was detected in 76 (1%) of 5332 E coli isolates, 13 (<1%) of 348 Klebsiella pneumoniae, one (<1%) of 890 Enterobacter cloacae, and one (1%) of 162 Enterobacter aerogenes. For the infection study, we included 76 mcr-1-positive clinical E coli isolates and 508 mcr-1-negative isolates. Overall, MCRPEC infection was associated with male sex (209 [41%] vs 47 [63%], adjusted p=0·011), immunosuppression (30 [6%] vs 11 [15%], adjusted p=0·011), and antibiotic use, particularly carbapenems (45 [9%] vs 18 [24%], adjusted p=0·002) and fluoroquinolones (95 [19%] vs 23 [30%], adjusted p=0·017), before hospital admission. For the colonisation study, we screened 2923 rectal swabs from healthy volunteers, of which 19 were MCRPEC, and 1200 rectal swabs from patients, of which 35 were MCRPEC. Antibiotic use before hospital admission (p<0·0001) was associated with MCRPEC carriage in 35 patients compared with 378 patients with mcr-1-negative E coli colonisation, whereas living next to a farm was associated with mcr-1-negative E coli colonisation (p=0·03, univariate test). mcr-1 could be transferred between bacteria at high frequencies (10−1 to 10−3), and plasmid types and MCRPEC multi-locus sequence types (MLSTs) were more variable in Guangdong than in Zhejiang and included the human pathogen ST131. MCRPEC also included 17 unreported ST clades.


In 2017, colistin will be formally banned from animal feeds in China and switched to human therapy. Infection with MRCPEC is associated with sex, immunosuppression, and previous antibiotic exposure, while colonisation is also associated with antibiotic exposure. MLST and plasmid analysis shows that MCRPEC are diversely spread throughout China and pervasive in Chinese communities.


National Key Basic Research Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China/Zhejiang, National Key Research and Development Program, and MRC, UK.



田国宝,博士,博士生导师,中山大学中山医学院教授。一直致力于细菌耐药分子机制研究,研究方向主要围绕临床“最后一线”药物多粘菌素耐药机制和β-内酰胺类药物耐药机制,取得了一系列原创性研究成果,揭示和发现了一批新耐药机制和新耐药基因。研究成果为临床耐药菌的防控奠定了理论基础,为减少和消除耐药菌临床危害提供重要科学依据。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、国家重大传染病专项子课题1项、省部级基金4项;参与国家重点研发计划1项、省部级重大基金1项。在Lancet Infectious Diseases, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy等细菌耐药领域国际主流期刊发表论文30余篇,其中第一或通讯作者18篇。申请国家发明专利6项。



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