【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年01月15日 来源:Science
外源性的核酸能激活哺乳动物的天然免疫应答反应。一旦探测到细胞质中存在有外源性的双链DNA(double stranded DNA),免疫系统就会开始工作激起特异性的抗病毒应答和巨噬细胞死亡活动。细胞质里的双链DNA能快速激活骨髓衍生的巨噬细胞中的Caspase3和Caspase1酶。
在本研究中,研究人员发现HIN-200家族成员和lupus susceptibility factor,p202是双链DNA的结合蛋白,能稳定并快速地转染DNA。研究者敲除p202表达基因,研究p202的功能,结果发现p202是DNA诱导Caspase激活反应的抑制因子。而相反的是,HIN200因子和AIM2(p210)是细胞质激活Caspase的激动剂。这些研究结果表明,HIN-200蛋白家族是细胞质外源双链DNA介导的Caspase活化反应的识别启动因子。
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原文检索:HIN-200 Proteins Regulate Caspase Activation in Response to Foreign Cytoplasmic DNA
Tara L. Roberts 1, Adi Idris 2, Jasmyn A. Dunn 2, Greg M. Kelly 2, Carol M. Burnton 2, Samantha Hodgson 2, Lani L. Hardy 2, Valerie Garceau 3, Matthew J. Sweet 4, Ian L. Ross 2, David A. Hume 3, Katryn J. Stacey 4*
1 The University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Qld 4072, Australia.; Present address: Radiation Biology and Oncology Laboratory, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, QLD 4029, Australia.
2 The University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Qld 4072, Australia.
3 The University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Qld 4072, Australia.; Present Address: The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Roslin EH259PS, Scotland, UK.
4 The University of Queensland, School of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, Qld 4072, Australia.
The mammalian innate immune system is activated by foreign nucleic acids. Detection of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the cytoplasm triggers characteristic antiviral responses and macrophage cell death. Cytoplasmic dsDNA rapidly activated caspase 3 and caspase