【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年12月04日 来源:生物通
生物通报道,MIT白头研究所生物医学分部的科学家在iPS的研究上去取得新的进展,相关成果文章Direct cell reprogramming is a stochastic process amenable to acceleration发表在最新的Nature杂志上。
生物通报道,MIT白头研究所生物医学分部的科学家在iPS的研究上去取得新的进展,相关成果文章Direct cell reprogramming is a stochastic process amenable to acceleration发表在最新的Nature杂志上。
该研究的领导者,文章的通讯作者是Rudolf Jaenisch教授,MIT的教授,白头研究所的创始人之一。Jaenisch主要从事表观遗传学方面的研究,近期主要集中在胚胎干细胞和iPS细胞方面的研究。在他的简介中有一句话很有意思,“What makes a given cell a given cell—what makes a liver cell a liver cell versus a brain cell versus an embryonic cell?” asks Rudolf Jaenisch. “We want to understand this in molecular terms, and we are using this information to convert one cell type into another.”
2007年James Thomson研究组和Shinya Yamanaka研究组分别独立完成了首次利用人体表皮细胞制造出了类胚胎干细胞,前者利用的依然是此前的4种转录因子:Oct3/4,Sox2,c-Myc和 Klf4,导入方式也与此前的小鼠实验类似,只不过实现基因重组的细胞分别来自一位36岁妇女的表皮和一位69岁男性的结缔组织。而后者则独自确定了14种新的候选重组基因。通过系统的排除过程,他们最终也使用了4个基因——OCT3,SOX2,NANOG和LIN28,其中前两个和Yamanaka小组是相同的。他们利用的是胎儿皮肤细胞以及一个新生儿的包皮细胞。
麻省理工一向在iPS领域不甘落后,近期白头研究所的创始人之一Rudolf Jaenisch教授在iPS上取得新的进展。
以往iPS的转化效率很低,而Rudolf Jaenisch教授这次却取得了空前的成功。他带领的研究小组这一次,将iPS的转化效率提高到了几乎100%。
Rudolf Jaenisch教授等人开发了两种技术,一是通过加快细胞分裂的速度;二是通过独立于细胞分裂速度的Nanog过度表达。
(生物通 小茜)
Direct cell reprogramming is a stochastic process amenable to acceleration
Jacob Hanna1,4, Krishanu Saha1,4, Bernardo Pando2, Jeroen van Zon2,3, Christopher J. Lengner1, Menno P. Creyghton1, Alexander van Oudenaarden2,3 & Rudolf Jaenisch1,3
The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research,
Department of Physics,
Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Jacob Hanna1,4Rudolf Jaenisch1,3 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.J. (Email: Jaenisch@wi.mit.edu) or J.H. (Email: Hanna@wi.mit.edu).
Direct reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells can be achieved by overexpression of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc transcription factors, but only a minority of donor somatic cells can be reprogrammed to pluripotency. Here we demonstrate that reprogramming by these transcription factors is a continuous stochastic process where almost all mouse donor cells eventually give rise to iPS cells on continued growth and transcription factor expression. Additional inhibition of the p53/p21 pathway or overexpression of Lin28 increased the cell division rate and resulted in an accelerated kinetics of iPS cell formation that was directly proportional to the increase in cell proliferation. In contrast, Nanog overexpression accelerated reprogramming in a predominantly cell-division-rate-independent manner. Quantitative analyses define distinct cell-division-rate-dependent and -independent modes for accelerating the stochastic course of reprogramming, and suggest that the number of cell divisions is a key parameter driving epigenetic reprogramming to pluripotency.