PloS One:发现一种新的癌症干细胞

【字体: 时间:2008年10月30日 来源:PLoS



生物通报道,来自意大利巴勒莫大学分子内分泌学系实验室、人体病理学实验室从甲状腺癌细胞系中分离到癌症干细胞样细胞,该细胞高度表达CD33。相关的成果发布在10月29日的PloS One上。


生物通报道,来自意大利巴勒莫大学分子内分泌学系实验室、人体病理学实验室从甲状腺癌细胞系中分离到癌症干细胞样细胞,该细胞高度表达CD33。相关的成果发布在10月29日的PloS One上。


近年来,科学家们认为癌症的发生其实只与一部分的细胞类型有关,就是这小部分的异常细胞导致癌症的发生,科学家们将这些细胞称为:癌症干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSCs)。、

甲状腺未分化癌(Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma,ATC):是人类恶性肿瘤中恶性程度最高的一类,致死率极高,不论治疗与否,平均病程6个月。在甲状腺未分化癌组织里存在有癌症干细胞样细胞,CD33是被认为是正常或是癌性细胞表面的活性标记,尽管CD33的具体生物学意义暂时不清,但是CD33是干细胞表面的标记已经得到一致认定。






原文摘要:In Vitro Identification and Characterization of CD133pos Cancer Stem-Like Cells in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Cell Lines




Recent publications suggest that neoplastic initiation and growth are dependent on a small subset of cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (ATC) is a very aggressive solid tumor with poor prognosis, characterized by high dedifferentiation. The existence of CSCs might account for the heterogeneity of ATC lesions. CD133 has been identified as a stem cell marker for normal and cancerous tissues, although its biological function remains unknown.


Methodology/Principal Findings

ATC cell lines ARO, KAT-4, KAT-18 and FRO were analyzed for CD133 expression. Flow cytometry showed CD133pos cells only in ARO and KAT-4 (64±9% and 57±12%, respectively). These data were confirmed by qRT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. ARO and KAT-4 were also positive for fetal marker oncofetal fibronectin and negative for thyrocyte-specific differentiating markers thyroglobulin, thyroperoxidase and sodium/iodide symporter. Sorted ARO/CD133pos cells exhibited higher proliferation, self-renewal, colony-forming ability in comparison with ARO/CD133neg. Furthermore, ARO/CD133pos showed levels of thyroid transcription factor TTF-1 similar to the fetal thyroid cell line TAD-2, while the expression in ARO/CD133neg was negligible. The expression of the stem cell marker OCT-4 detected by RT-PCR and flow cytometry was markedly higher in ARO/CD133pos in comparison to ARO/CD133neg cells. The stem cell markers c-KIT and THY-1 were negative. Sensitivity to chemotherapy agents was investigated, showing remarkable resistance to chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in ARO/CD133pos when compared with ARO/CD133neg cells.



We describe CD133pos cells in ATC cell lines. ARO/CD133pos cells exhibit stem cell-like features - such as high proliferation, self-renewal ability, expression of OCT-4 - and are characterized by higher resistance to chemotherapy. The simultaneous positivity for thyroid specific factor TTF-1 and onfFN suggest they might represent putative thyroid cancer stem-like cells. Our in vitro findings might provide new insights for novel therapeutic approaches.

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