
【字体: 时间:2008年11月04日 来源:生物通


  选择性拼接是指一个RNA转录本通过对一些外显子和内含子的选择性剪切、连接而形成不同的mRNA分子的过程,如果选择性拼接过程出错,会引发癌症、神经系统疾病。在本期的《Nature》和《Nature Genetics》杂志上,两个研究小组又获得了选择性拼接的新研究成果。


生物通报道:选择性拼接是指一个RNA转录本通过对一些外显子和内含子的选择性剪切、连接而形成不同的mRNA分子的过程,如果选择性拼接过程出错,会引发癌症、神经系统疾病。在本期的《Nature》和《Nature Genetics》杂志上,两个研究小组又获得了选择性拼接的新研究成果。







Alternative isoform regulation in human tissue transcriptomes

Through alternative processing of pre-messenger RNAs, individual mammalian genes often produce multiple mRNA and protein isoforms that may have related, distinct or even opposing functions. Here we report an in-depth analysis of 15 diverse human tissue and cell line transcriptomes on the basis of deep sequencing of complementary DNA fragments, yielding a digital inventory of gene and mRNA isoform expression. Analyses in which sequence reads are mapped to exon–exon junctions indicated that 92–94% of human genes undergo alternative splicing, 86% with a minor isoform frequency of 15% or more. Differences in isoform-specific read densities indicated that most alternative splicing and alternative cleavage and polyadenylation events vary between tissues, whereas variation between individuals was approximately twofold to threefold less common. Extreme or 'switch-like' regulation of splicing between tissues was associated with increased sequence conservation in regulatory regions and with generation of full-length open reading frames. Patterns of alternative splicing and alternative cleavage and polyadenylation were strongly correlated across tissues, suggesting coordinated regulation of these processes, and sequence conservation of a subset of known regulatory motifs in both alternative introns and 3' untranslated regions suggested common involvement of specific factors in tissue-level regulation of both splicing and polyadenylation.

Deep surveying of alternative splicing complexity in the human transcriptome by high-throughput sequencing

We carried out the first analysis of alternative splicing complexity in human tissues using mRNA-Seq data. New splice junctions were detected in 20% of multiexon genes, many of which are tissue specific. By combining mRNA-Seq and EST-cDNA sequence data, we estimate that transcripts from 95% of multiexon genes undergo alternative splicing and that there are 100,000 intermediate- to high-abundance alternative splicing events in major human tissues. From a comparison with quantitative alternative splicing microarray profiling data, we also show that mRNA-Seq data provide reliable measurements for exon inclusion levels.

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