
【字体: 时间:2008年03月05日 来源:生物通


  来自美国国立卫生研究员NIH老年研究所(National Institute on Aging,NIA),德国植物遗传学Leibniz研究所(Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics,生物通注)的研究人员宣布获得了胚胎干细胞研究方面的一些重要成果:发现并识别了两个新转录因子——B-Myb和Maz,这两个转录因子涉及维持未分化,或者早期分化阶段的干细胞状态


生物通报道:来自美国国立卫生研究员NIH老年研究所(National Institute on Aging,NIA),德国植物遗传学Leibniz研究所(Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics,生物通注)的研究人员宣布获得了胚胎干细胞研究方面的一些重要成果:发现并识别了两个新转录因子——B-Myb和Maz,这两个转录因子涉及维持未分化,或者早期分化阶段的干细胞状态。这些研究成果公布在2月27日的《Cells Tissues Organs》杂志上。

领导这一研究的是老年研究所的Kenneth R. Boheler博士,其毕业于杜克大学,之后于加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得了博士学位,1996年加入了NIH。这一研究团体主要的研究重点是心脏衰老的分子机制研究。





首先研究人员利用SAGE和qRT-PCR方法筛选发现了胚胎干细胞中作用强大的转录本,之后他们通过基于完整Genomatix系统的DNA promoter analysis工具识别出了保守cis元件和假设的调节因子(trans-regulators,生物通注)。通过启动子组织的框架分析,提高了候选转录因子的功能意义的相似度,并且研究人员还利用染色质免疫沉淀分析(Chromosomal Immunoprecipitation assays)对这一结果进行了实验验证。

Cells Tissues Organs DOI: 10.1159/000118787 , PMID: 18303244
Linkage of Pluripotent Stem Cell- Associated Transcripts to Regulatory Gene Networks
Kirill V. Tarasov, Gianluca Testa, Yelena S. Tarasova, Gabriela Kania, Daniel R. Riordon, Maria Volkova, Sergey V. Anisimov, Anna M. Wobus, Kenneth R. Boheler.



RT-PCR是将RNA的反转录(RT)和cDNA的聚合酶链式扩增(PCR)相结合的技术。首先经反转录酶的作用从RNA合成 cDNA,再以cDNA为模板,扩增合成目的片段。RT-PCR技术灵敏而且用途广泛,可用于检测细胞中基因表达水平,细胞中RNA病毒的含量和直接克隆 特定基因的cDNA序列。作为模板的RNA可以是总RNA、mRNA或体外转录的RNA产物。无论使用何种RNA,关键是确保RNA中无RNA酶和基因组 DNA的污染。使用天为时代公司的总RNA提取系统(如目录号 DP405和DP406),所获得的RNA的纯度高,基因组DNA污染少,用于RT-PCR系统可得到满意结果。

  用于反转录的引物可视实验的具体情况选择随机引物、Oligo dT 及基因特异性引物中的一种。对于短的不具有发卡结构的真核细胞mRNA,三种都可。

2.染色质免疫沉淀法-Chromatin immunoprecitation(ChIP)

染色质免疫沉淀法(Chromatin immunoprecitation,ChIP)是研究体内DNA与蛋白质相互作用的重要工具。它可以灵敏地检测目标蛋白与特异DNA片段的结合情况,还可以用来研究组蛋白与基因表达的关系。核小体组蛋白可以发生多种翻译后的共价修饰,如乙酰化、甲基化、磷酸化、泛素化等,这些共价修饰与真核基因的表达密切相关。根据“组蛋白密码”假说,组蛋白的各种共价修饰的组合会以协同或拮抗的方式诱导特异的下游生物学功能,因此,ChIP也为研究组蛋白修饰在基因表达中的作用,全面阐明真核基因的表达调控机制提供了强有力的研究工具。



Kenneth R. Boheler, Ph.D., Investigator
Head, Molecular Cardiology Unit
Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science
E-mail: bohelerk@grc.nia.nih.gov

Biography: Dr. Boheler received his B.Sc. from Duke University and his Ph.D. in Physiology and Pharmacology from the University of California, San Diego. After completing a post-doctoral fellowship and working as a Researcher in Molecular Biology at Unit 127 of the National Institutes of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Paris, France, he was appointed Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at Imperial College School of Medicine in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, London, United Kingdom. In October 1996, he joined the NIH in Baltimore to head the Molecular Cardiology Unit of the Cardiac Function Section of the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science.

Overview: The main focus of this unit is to define the molecular bases of aging in the heart. Many features of the age-associated changes in heart cells resemble those found during fetal development. For this reason, emphasis has been placed both on studies of development and on that of aging. The focus on early cardiac gene expression has relied greatly on the use of an embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation model system. In these studies, potential early cardiac gene transcription factors will be identified and the proteins responsible for activating expression are being targeted using standard molecular biological techniques. For aging, a number of model systems are being developed so that specific genes can be targeted during senescence to examine their functional consequences. Each project area has multiple components, and it is hoped that through integration of developmental with aging studies, we will be able to obtain a global view of cardiac gene expression and how alterations in individual gene expression patterns lead to physiological and pathophysiological consequences.

Manuscript: Anisimov, S.V., Tarasov, K.V., Tweedie, D., Stern, M.D., Wobus, A.M., Boheler, K.R.: SAGE Identification of Gene Transcripts with Profiles Unique to Pluripotent Mouse R1 Embryonic Stem Cells. Genomics 79(2): 169-176, 2002. -- Supplements A, B, and C

The focus of our research program over the past several years has involved examination of the expression and regulation of a number of proteins involved in regulating calcium movements in cardiac myocytes, including the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA), the Na/Ca exchanger (NCX1) and the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release channel (Ryanodine Receptor). The work has involved examination of the spatial and temporal expression of these mRNAs and proteins in the developing myocardium. Using simpler in vitro models, the regulation of presence of the mRNAs encoding some of these gene products has been studied through examination of signal transduction pathways.

Our work is focused on use of an in vitro differentiation model of mouse embryonic stem cells and embryonic carcinoma cells in an attempt to further understand the consequences of development and of altered gene expression on function of these proteins. Additionally, research in the laboratory has led to the development of mouse models having temporal and spatial control of gene expression. This system is currently being tested and plans are underway to actively apply this system to mouse transgenic models and to differentiating ES cells. Our recent experiments have exploited functional genomics to examine differentiation, development, aging and disease.

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