
【字体: 时间:2008年09月12日 来源:Cell Stem Cell


  在iPS的制备过程中还存在多种技术障碍,现在Cell杂志出版的两篇独立的研究性文章为iPS的研究扫清障碍。相关的文章发表在9月11日的Cell子刊《Cell Stem Cell》上。研究者开发了新的研究平台,可从分子、遗传和生化机制上改造细胞程序重排技术。这些新的发现不仅为细胞程序重排技术带来新的契机,也为改造细胞的临床应用打下基础


将成熟体细胞经过遗传程序重排可使体细胞转化成为类胚胎干细胞称为,诱导多能性干细胞(iPS)。在iPS的制备过程中还存在多种技术障碍,现在Cell杂志出版的两篇独立的研究性文章为iPS的研究扫清障碍。相关的文章发表在9月11日的Cell子刊《Cell Stem Cell》上。研究者开发了新的研究平台,可从分子、遗传和生化机制上改造细胞程序重排技术。这些新的发现不仅为细胞程序重排技术带来新的契机,也为改造细胞的临床应用打下基础。


尽管科学家们已经通过导入转录子成功地将成熟的人体皮肤细胞改造成诱导多能样干细胞(iPS),但是基因重排的效率不高一直是iPS技术的主要障碍。该研究的高级作者Konrad Hochedlinger博士说,效率不高的原因之一在于人们对个中复杂的机制仍不了解,导致无法改善重排技术,效率不高。Konrad Hochedlinger博士,哈佛大学干细胞研究所研究员。此外,iPS诱导的过程需要有逆转录病毒的参与,这也是限制iPS技术临床应用的原因之一。




研究者发现,只要清除掉doxycycline,原代的iPS细胞就会分化成为成熟的细胞,当再次接触doxycycline时,又促进细胞第二次程序重排,产生第二代iPS细胞。上述的idea首先是麻省理工学院的Rudolf Jaenisch博士想到的。











A High-Efficiency System for the Generation and Study of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells



Direct reprogramming of human fibroblasts to a pluripotent state has been achieved through ectopic expression of the transcription factors OCT4, SOX2, and either cMYC and KLF4 or NANOG and LIN28. Little is known, however, about the mechanisms by which reprogramming occurs, which is in part limited by the low efficiency of conversion. To this end, we sought to create a doxycycline-inducible lentiviral system to convert primary human fibroblasts and keratinocytes into human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). hiPSCs generated with this system were molecularly and functionally similar to human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), demonstrated by gene expression profiles, DNA methylation status, and differentiation potential. While expression of the viral transgenes was required for several weeks in fibroblasts, we found that 10 days was sufficient for the reprogramming of keratinocytes. Using our inducible system, we developed a strategy to induce hiPSC formation at high frequency. Upon addition of doxycycline to hiPSC-derived differentiated cells, we obtained “secondary” hiPSCs at a frequency at least 100-fold greater than the initial conversion. The ability to reprogram cells at high efficiency provides a unique platform to dissect the underlying molecular and biochemical processes that accompany nuclear reprogramming.


A Drug-Inducible System for Direct Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells to Pluripotency



Current approaches to reprogram human somatic cells to pluripotent iPSCs utilize viral transduction of different combinations of transcription factors. These protocols are highly inefficient because only a small fraction of cells carry the appropriate number and stoichiometry of proviral insertions to initiate the reprogramming process. Here we have generated genetically homogeneous “secondary” somatic cells, which carry the reprogramming factors as defined doxycycline (DOX)-inducible transgenes. These cells were obtained by infecting fibroblasts with DOX-inducible lentiviruses, isolating “primary” iPSCs in the presence of the drug, and finally differentiating to “secondary” fibroblasts. When “secondary” fibroblast lines were cultured in the presence of DOX without further viral infection, up to 2% of the cells were reprogrammed to pluripotent “secondary” human iPSCs. This system will facilitate the characterization of the reprogramming process and provides a unique platform for genetic or chemical screens to enhance reprogramming or replace individual factors.


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