专访: Wnt信号传导的新发现

【字体: 时间:2009年10月23日 来源:生物通


  来自基因技术公司肿瘤生物与血管新生研究部,Lexicon Pharmaceuticals公司的研究人员发现了Tspan12在视网膜血管肿瘤病变过程中的重要作用。这一研究成果公布在《细胞》(Cell)杂志上。文章的负责作者(corresponding author)是基因技术公司肿瘤生物与血管新生研究部资深科学家叶蔚蓝(Weilan Ye)博士,其早年毕业于中国科学技术大学,后出国深造,1995年获得匹兹堡大学博士学位,主要研究方向是肿瘤血管生成的原理。




来自基因技术公司 (Genentech Inc. ) 肿瘤生物与血管新生研究部,以及Lexicon Pharmaceuticals公司的研究人员发现了Tspan12在视网膜血管发育过程中的重要作用。这一研究成果公布在《细胞》(Cell)杂志上。

文章的负责作者(corresponding author)是基因技术公司肿瘤生物与血管新生研究部资深科学家叶蔚蓝(Weilan Ye)博士,其早年毕业于中国科学技术大学,后出国深造,1995年获得匹兹堡大学博士学位,主要研究方向是肿瘤血管生成的原理。为了更深入了解这项研究成果,生物通特采访了叶蔚蓝博士,就一些读者感兴趣的专业问题请教了她。


叶博士:我们进行的这项工作主要是针对视网膜血管的正常发育展开研究,这对于治疗早产儿视网膜病变(Norrie disease),外层渗出性视网膜病变(Coats disease),家族性渗出性玻璃体视网膜病变(familial exudative vitreoretinopathy),骨质疏松-假性神经胶质瘤综合征(Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome)等疾病具有重要的意义。虽然研究已发现Norrin, Fzd4和Lrp5的突变会引起这些疾病,但是患有这些疾病的患者并不都是由于这些基因的突变而引发疾病的,因此我们认为Tspan12是另外一个可能的突变基因,原因是这个基因在Norrin/FZD4-LRP5信号传导途径中扮演了重要的角色。



叶博士:我们采用了敲除小鼠基因实验来分析Tspan12体内功能,进而确定Tspan12与Norrin/FZD4-LRP5信号传导途径中其它元素的相互作用关系。另外为了研究Tspan12的生化功能,我们也进行了其它体外生物化学与分子生物分析实验,比如报告基因分析方法,Co-IP免疫共沉淀,荧光反卷积显微技术(fluorescent deconvolution and confocal microscopy)等。


叶博士:几年前由约翰霍普金斯大学Jeremy Nathans教授领衔发表的一篇Cell文章发现,在Norrin作为配基直接结合FZD4后,共受体LRP5也结合上来,形成配基-受体复合物,从而启动信号传导。



叶博士:这一问题可参看我对第一个问题的回答。除了在第一个问题中提到的那些眼科疾病,同期Cell杂志中也有一篇由Hans Clever博士撰写的评论性文章,在这篇文章中,Clever博士提出Norrin/FZD4-LRP5-TSPAN12信号传导也有可能参与一些成人退行性视网膜血管疾病,譬如糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy)。我们对这个可能性很感兴趣, 并会沿着这个方向做研究。







Weilan Ye(叶蔚蓝简介)

University of Pittsburgh, Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology Program, Department of Biological Sciences, Ph.D. 1995
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Biophysics, B.S. 1988

"I came to Genentech as a postdoc in October 1995 to work on neural development and neural degenerative diseases. I enjoyed the dynamic and stimulating scientific environment so much that I decided to stay as a scientist, beginning in November 1999, and started a small research program focusing on vascular development."

Current Projects
"We are interested in understanding how vascular endothelial cells are orchestrated to form a functional tubular network after the initial angiogenic induction. A better knowledge of this complex process may lead to the development of new treatment strategies for diseases associated with abnormal vascular growth.

Towards this aim, my group carried out a molecular screen based on expression patterns, and we identified a significant number of novel factors that are abundantly expressed in the developing vasculatures. We are now carrying out functional analysis of these factors using several in vivo and in vitro systems, including zebrafish knockdown, mouse knockout, organ culture, and xenograft tumor models."

"Over the years, as a postdoc and a scientist, I have interacted with numerous highly motivated and talented people from many departments. The strong collaborative spirit at Genentech is what makes this place productive and enjoyable. I am learning new things on a daily basis simply by being close to many excellent colleagues."

"Many biotech and pharmaceutical companies run their business like machines. Genentech is an exception, where scientific freedom is blended well with good business sense. Time and again, Genentech is proven to be the industry leader. This is a place where creative minds have a good chance to transform medicine."

Junge HJ, Yang S, Burton JB, Paes K, Shu X, French DM, Costa M, Rice DS, Ye W
TSPAN12 Regulates Retinal Vascular Development by Promoting Norrin- but Not Wnt-Induced FZD4/β-Catenin Signaling
Cell, 139 (2): 299-311, 2009

Evangelista M, Lim TY, Lee J, Parker L, Ashique A, Peterson AS, Ye W, Davis DP, de Sauvage FJ.
Kinome siRNA screen identifies regulators of ciliogenesis and hedgehog signal transduction
Science Signaling 1(39):ra7 (2008)

Schmidt M, Paes K, De Maziere A, Smyczek T, Yang S, Gray A, French D, Kasman I, Klumperman J, Rice DS, Ye W.
EGFL7 regulates the collective migration of endothelial cells by restricting their spatial distribution.
Development, 134(16): 2913-23. (2007)

Parker LH, Schmidt M, Jin SW, Gray AM, Beis D, Pham T, Frantz G, Palmieri S,
Hillan K, Stainier DY, De Sauvage FJ, Ye W.
The endothelial-cell-derived secreted factor Egfl7 regulates vascular tube formation.
Nature, vol. 428 (6984): 754-8. (2004)

Craven SE, Lim KC, Ye W, Engel JD, de Sauvage FJ, Rosenthal A.
Gata2 specifies serotonergic neurons downstream of sonic hedgehog.
Development, vol. 131 (5): 1165-73. (2004)

Ye W*, Bouchard M*, Stone D, Liu X, Vella F, Lee J, Nakamura H, Ang SL, Busslinger M, Rosenthal A. (*Equal first authors)
Distinct regulators control the expression of the mid-hindbrain organizer signal FGF.
Nature Neurosci, Vol. 4(12): 1175-81. ( 2001)

Hynes M, Ye W, Wang K, Stone D, Murone M, Sauvage FJ, Rosenthal A.
The seven-transmembrane receptor smoothened cell-autonomously induces multiple ventral cell types.
Nature Neurosci, vol 3(1): p41-6. (2000)

Ye W, Shimamura K, Rubenstein J.L.R., Hynes M.A., Rosenthal. A. 
FGF and Shh Signals Control Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Cell Fate in the Anterior Neural Plate.
Cell, Vol 93(5): p755-766. (1998).

(A complete publication list can be found here: http://www.gene.com/gene/research/postdoctoral/mentors/cellbio/ye/papers.html)

TSPAN12 Regulates Retinal Vascular Development by Promoting Norrin- but Not Wnt-Induced FZD4/β-Catenin Signaling

Mutations in the genes encoding the Wnt receptor Frizzled-4 (FZD4), coreceptor LRP5, or the ligand Norrin disrupt retinal vascular development and cause ophthalmic diseases. Although Norrin is structurally unrelated to Wnts, it binds FZD4 and activates the canonical Wnt pathway. Here we show that the tetraspanin Tspan12 is expressed in the retinal vasculature, and loss of Tspan12 phenocopies defects seen in Fzd4, Lrp5, and Norrin mutant mice. In addition, Tspan12 genetically interacts with Norrin or Lrp5. Overexpressed TSPAN12 associates with the Norrin-receptor complex and significantly increases Norrin/β-catenin but not Wnt/β-catenin signaling, whereas Tspan12 siRNA abolishes transcriptional responses to Norrin but not Wnt3A in retinal endothelial cells. Signaling defects caused by Norrin or FZD4 mutations that are predicted to impair receptor multimerization are rescued by overexpression of TSPAN12. Our data indicate that Norrin multimers and TSPAN12 cooperatively promote multimerization of FZD4 and its associated proteins to elicit physiological levels of signaling.



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