
【字体: 时间:2009年11月11日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,清华大学兼职教授颜宁博士和王佳伟副研究员领导的研究小组在ABA(脱落酸受体)结构研究方面取得新进展,相关成果文章Structural Insights into the mechanism of Abscisic acid signaling by PYL proteins发表在Nature系列子刊《Nature Structural & Molecular Biology》在线版上。


生物通报道,清华大学兼职教授颜宁博士和王佳伟副研究员领导的研究小组在ABA(脱落酸受体)结构研究方面取得新进展,相关成果文章Structural Insights into the mechanism of Abscisic acid signaling by PYL proteins发表在Nature系列子刊《Nature Structural & Molecular Biology》在线版上。




脱落酸(Abscisic acid, ABA)是植物中最为重要的激素之一,它与种子休眠、根系发育、叶子枯萎、抗旱反应和其它的生理过程都有极为密切的关系。由于脱落酸能引发的下游反应过多,包括激酶、磷酸酶、G蛋白、泛素通路中的蛋白等等都参与了ABA信号的调控,因此从ABA被发现半个世纪以来一直不清楚ABA的受体是什么。过去几年陆续有一些关于ABA受体的发现报导,但其具体功能尚有所争议。今年四月底,Science发表两个独立研究组的最新成果,发现一类被命名为PYR/PYL或是RCAR的蛋白为ABA受体。这类蛋白可以在体内外结合ABA,之后会结合下游的蛋白磷酸酶PP2C并抑制其磷酸酶活性,然而其中的分子机制尚不清楚。并且由于之前关于ABA受体的诸多争议,PYL蛋白是否为真正的ABA受体也还有待进一步验证。在这种背景下,结构生物学研究变得至关重要。




有趣的是,这一研究领域的竞争异常激烈,而几个顶尖杂志的反应也是前所未有的迅速,从投稿到发表基本都在一个月左右。1022日、23日,来自日本和美国的两个结构生物学研究组在ScienceNature分别以Research articleArticle的形式online报道了上述三个结构中的部分研究。116日,清华生物系系友Eric Xu率领的研究组在Nature online发表article,报道了与颜宁教授组相似的研究成果,而118日来自法国的研究组则以Nature Letter的形式报道了上述中的两个结构。


颜宁 教授,博导

19962000 清华大学生物科学与技术系,学士

20002004 美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系,博士

20052007 美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系,博士后

2007-至今  清华大学教授






Selected Publications


Yan N* and Shi Y*. Allosteric activation of a bacterial stress sensor. (Preview) Cell, 2007: 131,441-443.  (The single asterisk indicates corresponding authors.)

Feng L, Yan H, Wu Z, Yan N, Wang Z, Jeffrey PD, and Shi  Y. Structure of a Site-2 Protease Family Intramembrane Metalloprotease. Science, 2007: 318, 1608-1612

Wu Z*, Yan N*, Feng L*, Oberstein A, Yan H, Baker PR, Gu L, Jeffrey PD, Urban S, and  Shi Y. Structural analysis of a rhomboid family intramembrane protease reveals a gating mechanism for substrate entry. Nat. Struct. & Mol. Biol. 2006: 13, 1084-1091 (The single asterisk indicates equal contributions.)

Yang C, Yan N, Parish J, Wang X, Shi Y, and Xue D. RNA aptamers targeting the cell death inhibitor CED-9 induce cell killing in C. elegans. J. Biol. Chem. 2006: 281(14):9137-44.

Yan N, Huh J-R, Schirf V, Demeler B, Hay B-A, and Shi Y. Structure and activation mechanism of the Drosophila initiator caspase Dronc. J. Biol. Chem. 2006: [Epub ahead of print]

Yan N, Xu Y, and Shi Y. (Perspectives) 2:1 Stoichiometry of the CED-4-CED-9 Complex and the Tetrameric CED-4: Insights into the Regulation of CED-3 Activation. Cell Cycle 2006:5, 31-34

Yan N, Chai J, Lee E-S, Gu L, Liu Q, He J, Wu J, Kokel D, Li H, Hao Q, Xue D, and Shi Y. Structure of the CED-4/CED-9 complex reveals insights into programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature 2005: 437, 831-837.

Yan N and Shi Y. Mechanisms of Apoptosis through Structural Biology. Annual Review Cell Dev. Biol. 2005: 21, 35-56

Yan N*, Gu L*, Kokel D, Chai J, Li W, Han A, Chen L, Xue D, and Shi Y (2004). Structural, Biochemical and Functional Analyses of CED-9 Recognition by the Pro-apoptotic Proteins EGL-1 and CED-4.  Mol. Cell 15, 999–1006. (The single asterisk indicates equal contributions.)

Yan N, Wu J-W, Huh J-R, Chai J, Li W, Hay B-A, and Shi Y.  Molecular mechanisms of DrICE inhibition by DIAP1 and removal of inhibition by Reaper, Hid, and Grim.  Nature-Structural & Molecular Biology 2004; 11 (5): 420–428.




Structural insights into the mechanism of abscisic acid signaling by PYL proteins

Ping Yin1,2,4, He Fan1,2,4, Qi Hao1,3,4, Xiaoqiu Yuan1,3,4, Di Wu1,2, Yuxuan Pang1,2, Chuangye Yan1,2, Wenqi Li1,3, Jiawei Wang1,2 & Nieng Yan1,3



Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important phytohormone that regulates plant stress responses. Proteins from the PYR-PYL-RCAR family were recently identified as ABA receptors. Upon binding to ABA, a PYL protein associates with type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs) such as ABI1 and ABI2, inhibiting their activity; the molecular mechanisms by which PYLs mediate ABA signaling remain unknown, however. Here we report three crystal structures: apo-PYL2, (+)-ABA-bound PYL2 and (+)-ABA-bound PYL1 in complex with phosphatase ABI1. Apo-PYL2 contains a pocket surrounded by four highly conserved surface loops. In response to ABA binding, loop CL2 closes onto the pocket, creating a surface that recognizes ABI1. In the ternary complex, the CL2 loop is located near the active site of ABI1, blocking the entry of substrate proteins. Together, our data reveal the mechanisms by which ABA regulates PYL-mediated inhibition of PP2Cs.


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