
【字体: 时间:2009年11月13日 来源:生物通


  来自密歇根大学医学院病理学系,生物化学系的研究人员发现了组蛋白研究过程中一种重要组蛋白乙酰转移酶复合物的新调控机制,这一研究成果公布在《Molecular cell》杂志上。

  生物通报道:来自密歇根大学医学院病理学系,生物化学系的研究人员发现了组蛋白研究过程中一种重要组蛋白乙酰转移酶复合物的新调控机制,这一研究成果公布在《Molecular cell》杂志上。

文章的通讯作者是密歇根大学的窦亚丽(Yali Dou, Ph.D.)博士,其早年毕业于北京大学医学院(Peking University Health Center),主要研究方向为表观遗传学,组蛋白质组学方面。为了进一步了解这一研究进展,生物通特采访了窦博士,就一些读者感兴趣的专业问题请教了她:


窦博士:在十多年前,科学家们就发现了MOF作为组蛋白乙酰转移酶的功能,那时MOF的研究主要是围绕果蝇剂量补偿(dosage compensation)展开的。这些研究发现MOF能帮助组蛋白H4K16乙酰化,并且提高雄性X染色体中基因表达的水平(雄性和雌性X染色体基因转录相同),但是哺乳动物的MOF功能至今并不清楚,这是因为哺乳动物剂量补偿的机制完全不同——雌性细胞中一条X染色体是完全失活的。



窦博士:我们主要是一个生化实验室,采用了一种复合物重组(complex reconstitution)的方法,包括杆状病毒-昆虫细胞表达系统——用以明确重建MOF全复合物(holocomplex)活性所需的最少元件,同时我们也通过一种高精度的体外转录系统,分析不同MOF复合物的转录活性。利用这一体系,我们首次证明了p53 K120乙酰化在体外转录调控中的重要性。


窦博士:MSL和MOF-MSL1v1是两种不同的复合物。这两种复合物具有相同的催化亚基:MOF,不同之处在于,MSL复合物包含有三种高保守性的蛋白:MSL1, MSL2和MSL3,大小为600KD,只能催化核小体这种底物,另外也许还参与了转录延长过程。而MOF-MSL1v1比MSL大得多,1.5MD,这一复合物是由WDR5纯化而来,后者是H3K4甲基转移酶MLL复合物的一个关键部分。MOF-MSL1v1与MLL的相互作用,以及在基因上的准确结合,都说明了这一复合物在转录起始过程中的作用。



虽然在过去的十年里,我们了解了组蛋白乙酰转移酶,比如p300,Gcn5,但是MYST家族HAT,包括MOF,Tip60, HBO1, MOZ和MOR仍然有待研究。而且更加重要的是,这一研究领域逐渐转向了这些组蛋白乙酰转移酶的非组蛋白底物。近期有研究报道了acetylome的基因组分析,这表明了细胞中存在广泛的乙酰化反应,我们未来将着力深入了解组蛋白/蛋白乙酰转移酶的多重作用。


窦博士:我1996年毕业于北京大学医学部(现名为Peking UniversityHealth Center),本科实验是在生化系王文恭博士和童坦君博士指导下完成的,这些学习给我打下了坚实的实验基础,为后来的海外学习铺垫了道路。

之后在美国的数年研究生活中,我逐渐认识到成功的关键在于发现重要的问题和目标项目。我从美国的教育中受益颇多,这给了我与表观遗传学和转录领域的资深科学家(比如DavidAllis和Robert G. Roeder)和其他一些优秀科学家直接接触的机会。而且我也能不断的从许多科学协会中得到信息和反馈,帮助我调整研究方向。我认为这是中国和美国进行研究工作的最大不同,随着中国和美国越来越多的学术交流,我相信将来这一差别最终将会消失。






Heritable changes in gene expression can occur without changes in DNA sequence. It has emerged that histones, the basic components organizing a eukaryotic genome into hierarchical chromatin structures, are major carriers of epigenetic information. The variation is largely encoded by numerous and often evolutionarily conserved covalent modifications of histones, including methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation and ubiquitinylation. Through histone modifications, chromatin modification enzymes act either synergistically or antagonistically in regulating transcription, cell cycle progression, DNA damage repair, replication development, and differentiation. Given the fundamental roles of histone modifications in organizing chromatin and maintaining proper gene expression patterns, it is not surprising that mutations in chromatin modifying enzymes are often found in human disease.
Our broad objectives are to understand the mechanisms for chromatin modifying enzymes to regulate various cellular processes. Using biochemical approaches and mouse models, we are currently focusing on the regulation of histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase MLL and histone acetyltransferase MOF, two enzymes that function coordinately in transcription activation. We are also exploring how disruption of their functions leads to carcinogenesis. Given that MLL deregulation (deletion, amplification and translocation) are found in mix lineage leukemias, a thorough understanding of the mechanism for its action and regulation allows us to develop specific inhibitors as novel chemotherapeutic agents.

2007 Biomedical Science Scholar, University of Michigan
2004-2007 The Irvington Institute for Immunological Research Fellowship
2004-2007 Leukemia & lymphoma Society Fellowship


Y. Dou, C. A. Mizzen, M. Abrams, C. D. Allis, and M. A. Gorovsky (1999). Phosphorylation of linker histone H1 regulates gene expression in vivo by mimicking H1 removal. Molecular Cell 4, 641-647.

Y. Dou and M. A. Gorovsky (2000). Phosphorylation of linker histone H1 regulates gene expression by creating a “charge patch”. Molecular Cell 6, 225-231.

Y. Dou, J. Bowen, Y. Liu and M. A. Gorovsky (2002). Phosphorylation and an ATP-dependent Process Increase the Dynamic Exchange of H1 in Chromatin. J. Cell Biol., 158 (7), 1161-1170.

Y. Dou, X. Song, Y. Liu and M. A. Gorovsky (2005). H1 phosphorylation is actively involved in transcription regulation in response to physiological changes in Tetrahymena thermophila. Mol Cell Biol. 25 (10), 3914-3922.

Y. Dou, T.A. Milne, A.J. Tackett, E.R. Smith, A. Fukuda, J. Wysocka, C.D. Allis, B.T. Chait, J.L. Hess, R.G. Roeder (2005). Physical Association and Coordinate Function of the H3 K4 Methyltransferase MLL1 and the H4 K16 Acetyltransferase MOF. Cell 121 (6), 873-85. PMID: 15960975

Wysocka J, Swigut T, Milne TA, Y. Dou, Zhang X, Burlingame AL, Roeder RG, Brivanlou AH, Allis CD (2005). WDR5 Associates with Histone H3 Methylated at K4 and Is Essential for H3 K4 Methylation and Vertebrate Development. Cell 121 (6), 859-72. PMID: 15960974

Y. Dou, T.A. Milne, A. J. Ruthenburg, S. Lee, J. W. Lee, G. L. Verdine, C. D. Allis, R. G. Roeder (2006). Regulation of MLL1 H3K4 methyltransferase activity by its core components. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13 (8), 713-719. PMID: 16878130

Hyllus D, Stein C, Schnabel K, Schiltz E, Imhof A, Dou Y, Hsieh J, Bauer UM (2007). PRMT6-mediated methylation of R2 in histone H3 antagonizes H3 K4 trimethylation. Genes Dev. 21(24): 3369-80 PMID: 18079182

Wen H, Dou Y, Hogaboam CM, Kunkel SL (2008). Epigenetic regulation of dendritic cell-derived interleukin-12 facilitates immunosuppression after a severe innate immune response. Blood. 111(4):1797-804. PMID: 18055863

Y.Dou and J.H. Hess (2008). Mechanism of transcription regulation by MLL and its disruption in acute leukemia. J. Inter. Haematology., 87(1):10-8



Two Mammalian MOF Complexes Regulate Transcription Activation by Distinct Mechanisms

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