
【字体: 时间:2009年12月03日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,NIH旗下神经失调症与中风研究所(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke),加州大学生物膜系统研究中心,密苏里大学生物系等处的研究者在最近的一期Nature杂志上发表了膜蛋白研究的最新进展文章Structure and hydration of membranes embedded with voltage-sensing domains。


生物通报道,NIH旗下神经失调症与中风研究所(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke),加州大学生物膜系统研究中心,密苏里大学生物系等处的研究者在最近的一期Nature杂志上发表了膜蛋白研究的最新进展文章Structure and hydration of membranes embedded with voltage-sensing domains


文章通讯作者,该研究的领导者是来自NIH旗下神经失调症与中风研究所(NINDS)的资深研究员Kenton J. Swartz教授,他于1986年毕业于Eastern Mennonite学院生物化学系,1992年获得哈佛大学神经生物学博士学位,追随Bruce Bean学习钙离子依赖性的压力门通路研究,其后在哈佛大学从事博士后研究,并首次分离到影响钙离子通道的毒素,1997年加入NINDS2003年升为资深研究员。目前拥有自己的实验室,主要学从事电压离子通道的分子机制的研究工作。









(生物通 小茜)


Structure and hydration of membranes embedded with voltage-sensing domains

Dmitriy Krepkiy1,8, Mihaela Mihailescu2,5,8, J. Alfredo Freites2,3, Eric V. Schow4, David L. Worcester2,5,6, Klaus Gawrisch7, Douglas J. Tobias3, Stephen H. White2,5 & Kenton J. Swartz1


Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Section, Porter Neuroscience Research Center, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, and Center for Biomembrane Systems,

Department of Chemistry and Institute for Surface and Interface Science,

Department of Physics and Astronomy and Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, University of California, Irvine, California 92697, USA

NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA

Biology Division, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA

Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA

These authors contributed equally to this work.

Correspondence to: Stephen H. White2,5Kenton J. Swartz1 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.H.W. (Email: or K.J.S. (Email:




Despite the growing number of atomic-resolution membrane protein structures, direct structural information about proteins in their native membrane environment is scarce. This problem is particularly relevant in the case of the highly charged S1–S4 voltage-sensing domains responsible for nerve impulses, where interactions with the lipid bilayer are critical for the function of voltage-activated ion channels. Here we use neutron diffraction, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the structure and hydration of bilayer membranes containing S1–S4 voltage-sensing domains. Our results show that voltage sensors adopt transmembrane orientations and cause a modest reshaping of the surrounding lipid bilayer, and that water molecules intimately interact with the protein within the membrane. These structural findings indicate that voltage sensors have evolved to interact with the lipid membrane while keeping energetic and structural perturbations to a minimum, and that water penetrates the membrane, to hydrate charged residues and shape the transmembrane electric field.

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