
【字体: 时间:2009年02月13日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,北京大学附属第一医院,附属第三医院,临床流行病研究中心在国际权威期刊New England Journal of Medicine发表关于三聚氰胺患儿的最新临床调查研究报告。


生物通报道,北京大学附属第一医院,附属第三医院,临床流行病研究中心在国际权威期刊New England Journal of Medicine发表关于三聚氰胺患儿的最新临床调查研究报告。












这些研究成果无疑给临床工作者提供了初步的指导。(生物通 小茜

生物通推荐原文检索:Melamine-Contaminated Powdered Formula and Urolithiasis in Young Children




Background A recent epidemic of melamine contamination of baby formula in China has been associated with the development of urinary tract stones, though the clinical manifestations and predisposing factors are incompletely delineated.


Methods We administered a questionnaire to the parents of children 36 months of age or younger who were being screened for a history of exposure to melamine and symptoms of, and possible predisposing factors for, urinary tract stones. In addition, we performed urinalysis, renal-function and liver-function tests, urinary tests for biochemical markers and the calcium:creatinine ratio, and ultrasonography. Powdered-milk infant formulas were classified as having a high melamine content (>500 ppm), a moderate melamine content (<150 ppm), or no melamine (0 ppm); no formulas contained between 150 and 500 ppm of melamine.


Results Contaminated formula was ingested by 421 of 589 children. Fifty had urinary stones, including 8 who had not received melamine-contaminated formula; 112 were suspected to have stones; and 427 had no stones. Among children with stones, 5.9% had hematuria and 2.9% had leukocyturia, percentages that did not differ significantly from those among children who were suspected to have stones or those who did not have stones. Serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, and alanine aminotransferase levels were normal in the 22 children with stones who were tested. Four of the 41 children (9.8%) who had stones and in whom urinary markers of glomerular function were measured had evidence of abnormalities; none had tubular dysfunction. Children exposed to high-melamine formula were 7.0 times as likely to have stones as those exposed to no-melamine formula. Preterm infants were 4.5 times as likely to have stones as term infants.


Conclusions Prematurity and exposure to melamine-contaminated formula were associated with urinary stones. Affected children lacked typical signs and symptoms of urolithiasis. (生物通)



1982年毕业于北京医学院医疗系,1989年获医学博士学位,1994年在美国完成博士后及多年学习工作后回国。现为北京大学第一医院副院长,儿科副主任、儿科教授、研究员、博士生导师。现任国际儿科学会常委,亚洲小儿肾脏病学会理事,中华医学会儿科学分会肾脏学组组长,任北京大学学报(医学版)以及PEDIATRICS中文版副主编,任中华儿科杂志、中华肾脏病杂志等10余家国内学术期刊编委,任国际学术期刊儿科肾脏病杂志(Pediatric Nephrology)、美国肾脏病杂志(American Journal of Kidney Diseases)以及国际肾脏病杂志(Kidney International)审稿专家。多年来一直从事小儿肾脏疾病的研究、临床以及教学工作,注重紧密结合临床实践进行系列研究工作,在儿童遗传性肾脏疾病临床诊治和遗传学方面的工作、以及从足细胞角度探讨蛋白尿发生机制方面的工作处于国内领先国际先进,相关工作作为课题负责人先后获得十余项国家级、部委级及北京市级科研基金的资助,研究结果作为第一作者或责任作者在国际国内发表论文150余篇。作为第一完成人曾获国家科学技术进步奖(二等)、中华医学科技奖(一等)、北京市科技进步奖(二等)。培养博(硕)士研究生20余位。

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