中科院翁旭初文章登权威期刊 成果被多个研究组应用

【字体: 时间:2009年02月09日 来源:生物通


  生物通综合,中国科学院心理研究所认知与实验心理学研究领域专家翁旭初研究员在Human Brain Mapping期刊第29卷上(711-725)发表文章,该期刊影响因子为6.152,是脑成像方法学领域的著名期刊之一。


生物通综合,中国科学院心理研究所认知与实验心理学研究领域专家翁旭初研究员在Human Brain Mapping期刊第29卷上(711-725)发表文章,该期刊影响因子为6.152,是脑成像方法学领域的著名期刊之一。


据生理所介绍,杨志博士和翁旭初研究员最近与美国Emory大学的研究者合作,开发了一种新的功能磁共振成像数据分析算法,Ranking and averaging independent component analysis by reproducibility RAICAR)。该方法利用独立成分分析在不对脑活动方式作出假设的情况下,将数据分解为多个成分,每个成分代表不同的脑活动网络。这样的分解被执行多次,每个成分在多次分解中的可复制性将被计算。而根据可复制性,这些成分将被排序和平均以获得更加稳定的结果。与目前常用的方法相比,RAICAR具有显著的优点:1)无需假设脑的工作模式,有利于新的脑功能网络的发现; 2)由于独立成分分析是多元统计方法,因此它能同时检测多个成分,每个成分可能代表不同的脑活动特征,而不必事先提出脑活动的模型;3)确定可靠的成分数,在对数据分析过程中去除噪声的影响;4)对成分排序。这种排序在一定程度上反映了不同成分之间的相对强弱关系,从而提供新的信息;5)获得更加可靠的结果。RAICAR算法获得的结果要远比一般的独立成分分析方法稳定。









原文检索:Ranking and averaging independent component analysis by reproducibility (RAICAR)


Yang Z, LaConte S, Weng X, Hu X.


Laboratory for Higher Brain Function, The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, People's Republic of China.


Independent component analysis (ICA) is a data-driven approach that has exhibited great utility for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Standard ICA implementations, however, do not provide the number and relative importance of the resulting components. In addition, ICA algorithms utilizing gradient-based optimization give decompositions that are dependent on initialization values, which can lead to dramatically different results. In this work, a new method, RAICAR (Ranking and Averaging Independent Component Analysis by Reproducibility), is introduced to address these issues for spatial ICA applied to fMRI. RAICAR utilizes repeated ICA realizations and relies on the reproducibility between them to rank and select components. Different realizations are aligned based on correlations, leading to aligned components. Each component is ranked and thresholded based on between-realization correlations. Furthermore, different realizations of each aligned component are selectively averaged to generate the final estimate of the given component. Reliability and accuracy of this method are demonstrated with both simulated and experimental fMRI data. Copyright 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.



博士 196412月出生,中国科学院心理研究所研究员,博士生导师。

























4、国家重点基础研究发展规划(973项目,2007CB512300)抑郁症和精神分裂症的基因与环境相互作用机理研究, 2007-2011(共260万),课题组长




1. Chen AT, Weng XC, Yuan XJ, Xu L, Qiu J, Yao DZ, Li H. The temporal features of self-referential processing evoked by Chinese handwriting. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (accepted)


2. Xie XP, Cao ZT, Weng XC. Spatiotemporal nonlinearity in resting-state fMRI of the human brain. NeuroImage (accepted)


3. Xie XP, Cao ZT, Weng XC, Jin D. Estimating intrinsic dimensionality of fMRI dataset incorporating an AR(1) noise model with cubic spline interpolation. Neurocomputing (accepted)


4. Di HB, Boly M, Weng XC, Ledoux D, Laureys S Neuroimaging activation studies in the vegetative state: predictors of recovery? Clinical Medicine (accepted)


5. Zhang X, Ma L, Li SW, Wang YP, Weng XC, Wang LN. A mismatch process in brief delayed matching-to-sample task: an fMRI study. Experimental Brain Research, 2008, 186: 335–341.


6. Yang Z, LaConte S, Weng XC, Hu XP. Ranking and averaging independent component analysis by reproducibility (RAICAR). Human Brain Mapping 2007 Jun 27 [Epub ahead of print]


7. Liu S, Zhou W, Ruan X, Li R, Lee T, Weng XC, Hu J, Yang G. Activation of the hypothalamus characterizes the response to acupuncture stimulation in heroin addicts. Neuroscience Letters 2007, 421: 203-208.


8. Lin CY, Xiao ZW, Shen L, Zhang JX, Weng XC. Similar brain activation patterns for writing logographic and phonetic symbols in Chinese. NeuroReport 2007, 18:1621-1615.


9. Yn WL, Li XQ, Tang WJ, Li Y, Weng XC, Chen YZ. fMRI study of pain reaction in the brain under state of "Qigong".  American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2007, 35(6): 937-945.


10. Di HB, Yu SM, Weng XC, Laureys S, Yu D, Li JQ, Qin PM, Zhu YH, Zhang SZ, Chen YZ. Cerebral response to patients’ own name in the vegetative and minimally conscious states. Neurology 2007, 68: 895-899.


11.Luo BY, Zhao XY, Wang YW, Xu MW, Weng XC. Is surface dyslexia in Chinese the same as in alphabetic one? Chinese Medical Journal 2007, 120: 148-149.


12.Xiao ZW, Lee TMC, Zhang JX, Wu QL, Wu RH, Weng XC, Hu XP. Thirsty heroin addicts show different fMRI activations when exposed to water-related and drug-related cues. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2006, 83:157-162.


13.Zang YF, Jin Z, Weng XC, Zhang L, Zeng YW, Yang Li, Wang YF, Seidman LJ, Faraone SV. Functional MRI in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Evidence for hypofrontality Brain and Development 2005, 27: 544-550.


14.Zhu YH, Di HB, Yan Y, Ren JG, Yu W, Zhang ZQ, Weng XC, Chen YZ. Involvement of the cerebellum in sequential finger movement learning: evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging. Chinese Science Bulletin 2005, 50: 1887-1891.


15.Lee TMC, Zhou WH, Luo XJ, Yuen KSL, Ruan XZ, Weng XC Change of neural activity associated with cognitive regulation in heroin users: an fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters 2005, 382: 211-216.


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