
【字体: 时间:2009年05月15日 来源:Nature











北京协和医科大的生物伦理学家Renzong Qiu表示,尽管目前的法规对违背该条例的处罚还没制定明确细则,但是一旦违规,违规机构将被处以罚金并吊销行医执照。


上海交通大学儿科医生,高级顾问Ching-Li Hu表示,卫生部制定这些法规是希望民众了解卫生部和中国的科学家都关心这些带有风险的治疗方式。


中国现在已经准备开始规范第三类医疗技术市场,开始对这些疗法进行伦理评估。现在中国是首个经政府批准可应用基因治疗的国家,中国目前获得批准的是来自深圳的一家公司,SiBiono Gene Tech,主要针对脑癌和颈癌。





Renzong Qiu表示,目前在中国开展的干细胞实际临床应用不少于100-150例。但是,这些提供干细胞来源的公司是否接受了卫生部的监控还不清楚。


目前,中国深圳最著名的干细胞治疗公司Beike Biotechnology向患者提供成体干细胞和期脐带血干细胞,并通过网络向世界范围的27个临床治疗中心提供他们的产品。该公司还充当患者咨询联络员的角色。Lucca RicciBeike公司在浙江杭州Xiaoshan医院的住院代表,他告诉Nature记者,他的工作就是充当讲解员,患者来到医院的时候给他们介绍干细胞疗法。Beike医务主任,Kara Zhang说,她的职责就是拜访病人,为他们提供医疗咨询服务。














(生物通 小茜编译整理报道)




Nature原文:Stem-cell therapy faces more scrutiny in China


The Chinese Ministry of Health has implemented regulations on the clinical application of cutting-edge therapies such as stem-cell injections.


Stem-cell scientists in China contacted by Nature hope that the rules may help to curtail a growing trade in unproven treatments that attract patients from around the world, risking their health and potentially damaging the reputation of stem-cell research.


The new regulations, which came into effect on 1 May, designate all forms of stem-cell therapy as 'category 3' medical technologies — those deemed "ethically problematic", "high risk" or "still in need of clinical verification". The ministry will take direct responsibility for regulating all category-3 procedures, which include gene therapy, surgical treatment of mental disorders or drug addiction, and sex changes.


Institutions wishing to offer stem-cell therapies must first demonstrate safety and efficacy in clinical trials; the treatment will then be assessed by a ministry-approved regulator. Institutions failing that process must wait 12 months before reapplying. Although the penalties for not adhering to these rules have not been made explicit, institutions that transgress are likely to face fines or have their permit to practice medicine revoked, says Renzong Qiu, a bioethicist based at the Peking Union Medical College in Beijing.


"These regulations will make people understand that the Ministry of Health and many scientists in China are concerned about these unverified procedures," says Ching-Li Hu, a paediatrician and senior adviser to Shanghai Jiaotong University's medical school, and a member of the International Bioethics Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Hu and Qiu are members of an expert panel that will deliver recommendations to the ministry later this year on how to implement the regulations effectively.


Murky area

China already has experience in regulating cutting-edge technologies by assessing clinical trials and conducting ethical reviews. It was the first country to give governmental approval for a gene-therapy treatment, one produced by SiBiono GeneTech in Shenzhen that targets head and neck cancers.


But stem-cell therapy is a murkier area. Some researchers worry that medical institutions will be able to circumvent the regulations by calling their therapies research, even though they are charging patients and not carrying out the rigorous monitoring required by clinical-trial protocols. If those institutions have sought official approval, it comes from local governments or institutional review boards, which do not have the expertise to properly assess the treatment, says Hu.


From interviews with scientists and physicians, Qiu estimates that there are 100–150 clinics claiming to offer stem-cell therapies in China. But it is not yet clear whether companies supplying the stem cells will be also be subject to the regulations.


Shenzhen-based Beike Biotechnology is China's most prominent stem-cell therapy company, providing adult stem cells and umbilica


The foundation offered to help Beike set up a clinical-trial protocol that would include creating a registry of patient outcomes. Joseph Cosico, the foundation's vice-president for research operations, says that Beike declined the offer "because of their inability to fund the venture". Beike says that it decided to work with another group, partly for cost reasons, but would not provide any details of that collaboration.


"I can understand why they wouldn't want to do a trial," says cell biologist Duanqing Pei, director-general of the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health. "They might spend millions of dollars to prove that the treatment isn't effective."

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