基因专利之争 你的健康谁做主?

【字体: 时间:2009年06月10日 来源:生物通










美国民权联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)的一位律师表示,20%的人类基因目前已经申请专利。他上个月刚参与一项诉讼案,关于乳腺癌和卵巢癌检测基因的诉讼案。每项基因专利赋予其申请者独占权长达20年,对这一基因的医学研究、诊断或治疗具有独占权。


该诉讼案中,被告Myriad Genetics(一家制药厂)和University of Utah Research Foundation拥有BRCA-1BRCA-2两基因的专利权,这是两个与乳腺癌和卵巢癌相关的基因。原告是American College of Medical GeneticsCollege of American Pathologists和其他研究机构以及病人。







(生物通  小茜)

关注更多:Patenting human genes thwarts research, scientists say

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted patents to at least 4,382 human genes, including genes related to Alzheimer's, asthma, cancer, muscular dystrophy and other serious diseases.

"Twenty percent of the human genes are currently patented," said Christopher Hansen, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, which filed a suit last month challenging six patents on two genes that are connected to tests for breast and ovarian cancer.

A gene patent gives its owner the exclusive right, for up to 20 years, to control its use for medical research, diagnosis or treatment.

"A gene patent holder has the right to prevent anyone from studying, testing or even looking at a gene," the ACLU lawsuit protests. "As a result, scientific research and genetic testing has been delayed, limited or even shut down due to concerns about gene patents."

Patent holders reply that they have a constitutionally guaranteed right to protect their inventions in order to pay the heavy costs of genetic research and development.

Though gene patents are lawful, many scientists, health professionals and patients' organizations object that the patents are stifling research and interfering with patient care.

"Patents are meant to protect inventions, not things that exist in nature like genes in the human body," Hansen said.

"Questionable patents are too easily obtained and are too difficult to challenge," the Senate Committee on the Judiciary declared last month. "An industry has developed in which firms use patents not as a basis for producing and selling goods but, instead, primarily for obtaining license fees."


The patent war is being waged on several fronts.

Congress is weighing legislation that would make it easier to challenge patents. The National Institutes of Health released a 136-page draft report on the problem this spring. The National Academy of Sciences and the Federal Trade Commission have held multiple hearings.

Environmental Health News - Articles from today's press about environmental links to health - www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

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The ACLU suit was filed in federal district court in Manhattan on behalf of the American College of Medical Genetics, the College of American Pathologists, other research organizations and individual patients. The defendants are Myriad Genetics, a pharmaceutical firm in Salt Lake City, and the University of Utah Research Foundation, which sponsored the research.

The patents give Myriad Genetics the exclusive right to test women for mutations in two genes, known as BRCA-1 and BRCA-2, which may indicate a genetic susceptibility to breast or ovarian cancer. A woman who tests positive might decide to have her breasts or ovaries removed.

"The effect of the patents has been to stifle clinical practice and research on the genetic predisposition to breast and/or ovarian cancer," the ACLU said. "The public, and in particular women, have suffered unnecessarily

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