
【字体: 时间:2009年09月09日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,干细胞973项目首席科学家金颖8月连发3篇干细胞研究成果文章,自上次生物通报道的在《The Journal of Biological Chemistry》和《Human Molecular Genetics》发表两篇文章以来,再度在PLoS One上发表研究成果文章。


生物通报道,干细胞973项目首席科学家金颖8月连发3篇干细胞研究成果文章,自上次生物通报道的在《The Journal of Biological Chemistry》和《Human Molecular Genetics》发表两篇文章以来,再度在PLoS One上发表研究成果文章。


Human Molecular Genetics》发表关于人类羊水细胞高效快速重编程为诱导多能干细胞的最新研究进展,从孕妇产前诊断的羊水细胞中高效快速地建立了诱导多能干细胞。博士生李春亮等在金颖研究员指导下发现羊水细胞中一部分特殊类群(即高表达NESTIN, VIMENTIN and GATA4,不表达OCT4, SOX2, NANOG and TRA-1-60)在病毒介导的四种因子诱导下,感染后第二天发生形态上的显著变化,第四天出现人胚胎干细胞类似形态的克隆,第六天可以挑选后进行建系。经过统计发现,AKP阳性的未分化克隆形成率最高可达到1.525%。有趣的是当减少因子C-MYC后,三因子同样可以在第四天诱导出iPS克隆,只是AKP阳性的未分化克隆形成率稍有降低. 从三个独立的个体样本中,均能够稳定高效地诱导出iPS细胞,提示这群细胞高效发生重编程具有普遍性。对建立的八株人类诱导多能干细胞进行进一步的鉴定发现,这些细胞能够长期在体外稳定传代并保持46二倍体核型,维持自我更新,蛋白和转录水平高表达全能性的标志基因,如OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, SSEA4, TRA-1-60等,AKP染色呈强阳性。甲基化PCR联合测序法对OCT4的启动子进行分析后发现,在未分化的iPS细胞和阳性对照人胚胎干细胞中,OCT4的启动子呈现低甲基化,而在供体羊水细胞和阴性对照人包皮成纤维细胞中则呈现高度甲基化。STR分析结果证明这些诱导多能干细胞的确来自于对应供体的羊水细胞。值得一提的是,全基因组表达谱扫描结果显示,该研究所用的羊水细胞在表达谱相关性上和人胚胎干细胞非常相似, 提示这可能是它高效被重编程的原因之一。诱导多能干细胞的主要应用是分化和细胞移植,该研究组的研究人员尝试了羊水细胞来源的iPS细胞在体外和体内的分化潜能。在悬浮类胚体实验中,能得到典型的中、外、内胚层形态细胞,RT-PCR检测到了各个胚层标志物的表达。定向诱导向神经外胚层的分化中,诱导35天后,得到了高纯度的神经前体细胞。在体内畸胎瘤实验中,将未分化的诱导多能干细胞注射到免疫缺陷小鼠三个月以后能够得到良性的畸胎瘤,切片分析能找到形态典型的肌肉,肠管,神经上皮,软骨,肺上皮等三胚层来源组织或者细胞,而对照细胞即起始羊水细胞注射的各组均未发现畸胎瘤。


The Journal of Biological Chemistry》发表的文章以Oct4Sox2的一个下游靶基因,成纤维生长因子4fibroblast growth factor 4, FGF4),的增强子的一段寡核苷酸(含有Oct4Sox2结合序列)为饵,通过亲和层析和蛋白质质谱分析发现了一个与Oct4Sox2共同特异性调控FGF4表达的核蛋白,PARP1PARP1是一个NAD+依赖的多聚ADP-核糖转移酶,参与多种重要的细胞功能的调控。她们的研究发现,PARP1可直接结合于FGF4的增强子上,在ESCs分化过程中,PARP1通过对Sox2进行多聚ADP-核糖修饰,使Sox2FGF4增强子上解离并降解,从而正调控FGF4的表达。当PARP1缺失或处于低活性时,Sox2的多聚ADP-核糖修饰降低,使得Sox2FGF4增强子的结合多于正常水平。同时,Sox2蛋白水平也增加,最终造成FGF4的表达下降。FGF4对于ESCs诱导的分化细胞的生长或存活是必需的,而加入外源的FGF4生长因子可以部分恢复因由PARP1-/- ESCs来源的分化细胞的生长或存活的异常。该研究工作首次阐明蛋白翻译后修饰对于Sox2蛋白水平及其功能的重要调控作用,同时揭示了在ESCs分化过程中,PARP1Sox2的蛋白水平和FGF4的转录的动态调控是必需的。这些发现有助于我们进一步阐明ESCs维持其自我更新和发育全能性的机制,并且对于研究体细胞重编程的分子机制有促进作用。


PLoS One上发表Germline-Competent Mouse-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines Generated on Human Fibroblasts without Exogenous Leukemia Inhibitory Factor文章。





(生物通 小茜)


Germline-Competent Mouse-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines Generated on Human Fibroblasts without Exogenous Leukemia Inhibitory Factor

Chunliang Li1,5#, Hongyao Yu1,5#, Yu Ma1,2, Guilai Shi1,5, Jing Jiang3, Junjie Gu1,2, Ying Yang1,5, Shibo Jin1, Zhe Wei1,5, Hua Jiang1,2, Jinsong Li3, Ying Jin1,2,4*


1 Key Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 2 Shanghai Stem Cell Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 3 Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, 4 Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of Chinese Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 5 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


Abstract Top

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have attracted enormous attention due to their vast potential in regenerative medicine, pharmaceutical screening and basic research. Most prior established iPS cell lines were derived and maintained on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells supplemented with exogenous leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Drawbacks of MEF cells impede optimization as well as dissection of reprogramming events and limit the usage of iPS cell derivatives in therapeutic applications. In this study, we develop a reproducible protocol for efficient reprogramming mouse neural progenitor cells (NPCs) on human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cells via retroviral transfer of human transcriptional factors OCT4/SOX2/KLF4/C-MYC. Two independent iPS cell lines are derived without exogenous LIF. They display typical undifferentiated morphology and express pluripotency markers Oct4 and Sox2. Transgenes are inactivated and the endogenous Oct4 promoter is completely demethylated in the established iPS cell lines, indicating a fully reprogrammed state. Moreover, the iPS cells can spontaneously differentiate or be induced into various cell types of three embryonic germ layers in vitro and in vivo when they are injected into immunodeficient mice for teratoma formation. Importantly, iPS cells extensively integrate with various host tissues and contribute to the germline when injected into the blastocysts. Interestingly, these two iPS cell lines, while both pluripotent, exhibit distinctive differentiation tendencies towards different lineages. Taken together, the data describe the first genuine mouse iPS cell lines generated on human feeder cells without exogenous LIF, providing a reliable tool for understanding the molecular mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming.







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