
【字体: 时间:2010年10月12日 来源:生物通


  来自哈佛医学院,中科院上海生命科学研究院生化与细胞所,上海有机所的研究人员报道了一种新的具有葡萄糖浓度依赖的促胰岛素分泌的小分子化合物,这不仅揭示了胰岛素分泌调控的新机制,而且提出了一种可能作为新型促胰岛素分泌剂的先导化合物。这一研究成果公布在《Cell Research》杂志上。


生物通报道:来自哈佛医学院,中科院上海生命科学研究院生化与细胞所,上海有机所的研究人员报道了一种新的具有葡萄糖浓度依赖的促胰岛素分泌的小分子化合物,这不仅揭示了胰岛素分泌调控的新机制,而且提出了一种可能作为新型促胰岛素分泌剂的先导化合物。这一研究成果公布在《Cell Research》杂志上。

这项研究由哈佛医学院袁钧英研究组,生化与细胞所吴家睿研究组以及上海有机所马大为研究组共同合作完成,其中袁钧英博士一直从事细胞死亡的相关研究,2005年她发现了一种细胞非调亡性的程序性死亡,英文称为necroptosis,并获得了美国卫生研究所(NIH)颁发了的NIH主任先驱奖(Director's Pioneer Award)。









2005年七月,袁钧英带领的课题组发现了一种化学物质Nec-1,它不能对细胞调亡起到抑制作用,它可以对一种程序性坏死样细胞死亡(programmed necrosis-like death)起到特定的抑制作用。她将之称为necroptosis(necrosis+apoptosis),或者我们可以称为坏死状调亡,是一种新的细胞死亡方式。


Junying Yuan, Ph.D.
Professor of Cell Biology

Department of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School
E-mail: jyuan@hms.harvard.edu

Junying Yuan received her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University in 1989 and her undergraduate degree from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1982. Dr. Yuan carried out her postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She was first appointed as Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School in 1992, when she became a Principal Investigator of the Cardiovascular Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. She joined the Department of Cell Biology in 1996 and was appointed a Professor of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School in 2000. Research

Apoptosis is a genetically regulated cellular suicide mechanism that plays a crucial role in development and in the defense of homeostasis. The proteins in the Bcl-2 and caspase families play key roles in regulating signal transduction of apoptosis. We are using cellular, biochemical, genetic and chemical genetic approaches to dissect apoptosis pathways. The experiments include dissecting the pathway of unfolded protein response, the mechanism of caspase-12 activation, the mechanism of cell death in neuronal degenerative diseases and caspases in apoptosis induced by tumor suppressor gene products.

Cellular and genetic analyses of caspase functions. Our work demonstrated a critical role of caspase-8 in polyglutamine repeat induced cell death. Huntington and related neuronal degenerative diseases are caused by expansion of polyglutamine repeats in the corresponding genetic loci. In a cellular model of polyglutamine repeat induced cell death, we showed that polyglutamine repeats specifically recruit and activate caspase-8 that is required for cell death in this system. Our work suggests that recruitment of caspases by mutant proteins may underlie the genetic basis of neuronal degenerative diseases.

Caspase-11 is an upstream caspase which we have shown previously required for activation of caspase-1 and pro-IL-1ß processing. While the expression of caspase-11 is undetectable in most tissues of healthy mice, it can be induced by a variety of pathological signals. Caspase-11-deficient mice showed a defect in processing pro-IL-1ß as well as reduced number of apoptotic cells and a defect in caspase-3 activation. We concluded that caspase-11 is an upstream caspase in mediating cytokine secretion as well as apoptosis under brain ischemia and systemic inflammation.

Unfolded protein response in endoplasmic reticulum has been implicated in mediating neuronal cell death in Alzheimer's disease. We found that caspase-12 is localized in ER and a deficiency in caspase-12 renders cortical neurons specifically resistant to amyloid ß protein toxicity. Our work demonstrated a novel ER-specific apoptosis pathway.

Chemical genetic approaches to dissect the mechanism of Bcl-2. Heterodimerization of pro- and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family through their BH3 domains is critical for regulating cell survival. To further characterize the role of BH3 domain interaction and develop prototypic small molecule inhibitors of Bcl-2 family, we developed a high throughput screen for Bcl-2 inhibitors. We isolated two series of Bcl-2 inhibitors and demonstrated by in vivo and in vitro experiments that they induce apoptosis through inhibiting BH3 domain interaction. Similar chemical genetic approaches are being used in the laboratory to dissect other pathways involved in regulating physiological and pathological cell death.


40岁,博士,研究员;生命有机化学国家重点实验室主任。1984年毕业于山东大学化学系;1989年于中科院上海有机化学研究所获博士学位;1990-1994年在美国匹兹堡大学和Mayo Clinic研究所进行博士后研究;1994年回到中科院上海有机化学研究所工作。兼任复旦大学教授、新药研究国家重点实验室副主任和上海市学位委员会委员等职务。

研究方向为化学生物学导向的有机合成和药物化学。已在国际重要杂志上发表论文100余篇。所发表的论文已经被他人引用800余次。其中作为责任作者已发表论文70余篇,这些论文已经被他人引用400余次,其中2002、2003年每年都被引用上百次。最近的两项工作分别被“Chemical & Engineering News”和“Chemtracts”评论。


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