
【字体: 时间:2010年09月06日 来源:生物通


  重庆大学生物工程学院邓林红教授实验室与美国哈佛大学合作实验室在国际著名开放读取综合学术杂志Plos One上发表论文,揭示机械拉伸引发细胞流态化响应的内在机制。


    近日,重庆大学生物工程学院邓林红教授实验室与美国哈佛大学合作实验室在国际著名开放读取综合学术杂志Plos One上发表论文,揭示机械拉伸引发细胞流态化响应的内在机制。

    该合作研究是邓林红教授于与哈佛大学合作者继2007年在Nature上发表有关机械拉伸引起细胞流态化响应论文后的进一步深化(Universal physical responses to stretch in the living cell”——Nature 447:592-595, 31 May, 2007)。2007年发表在Nature上的论文首次提出了活细胞在收到短暂机械牵张之后会迅速软化并向流体状态转化,随后又逐渐恢复到拉伸前的状态。这一现象在各种细胞和生化环境下都有普遍性,因此对于理解细胞的物理行为和相关生理病理现象具有十分重要的意义。但该重要现象的内在机制仍然没有得到完全的揭示。



   Plos One发表的这篇论文,不仅采用人体内另一种同样收到机械牵张力的影响的膀胱平滑肌细胞进一步证实了细胞在受到短暂拉伸后迅速发生流态化与缓慢恢复的普遍性,并且找出首次观测到了F-actin在其中扮演的关键作用,至少部分地,如果不是完全的话,揭示了这个现象的内在物理调控机制。


原文摘要:PLoS ONE 5(8): e12035. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012035


Fluidization and Resolidification of the Human Bladder Smooth Muscle Cell in Response to Transient Stretch

Cheng Chen1,2#, Ramaswamy Krishnan2#, Enhua Zhou2, Aruna Ramachandran3, Dhananjay Tambe2, Kavitha Rajendran2, Rosalyn M. Adam3, Linhong Deng1,2*, Jeffrey J. Fredberg2

1 Key Laboratory of Biorheological Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Bioengineering College, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, 2 Program in Molecular and Integrative Physiological Sciences, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Urological Diseases Research Center, Department of Urology, Children's Hospital Boston and Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

Background:Cells resident in certain hollow organs are subjected routinely to large transient stretches, including every adherent cell resident in lungs, heart, great vessels, gut, and bladder. We have shown recently that in response to a transient stretch the adherent eukaryotic cell promptly fluidizes and then gradually resolidifies, but mechanism is not yet understood.
Principal Findings:In the isolated human bladder smooth muscle cell, here we applied a 10% transient stretch while measuring cell traction forces, elastic modulus, F-actin imaging and the F-actin/G-actin ratio. Immediately after a transient stretch, F-actin levels and cell stiffness were lower by about 50%, and traction forces were lower by about 70%, both indicative of prompt fluidization. Within 5min, F-actin levels recovered completely, cell stiffness recovered by about 90%, and traction forces recovered by about 60%, all indicative of resolidification. The extent of the fluidization response was uninfluenced by a variety of signaling inhibitors, and, surprisingly, was localized to the unstretch phase of the stretch-unstretch maneuver in a manner suggestive of cytoskeletal catch bonds. When we applied an “unstretch-restretch” (transient compression), rather than a “stretch-unstretch” (transient stretch), the cell did not fluidize and the actin network did not depolymerize.
Conclusions:Taken together, these results implicate extremely rapid actin disassembly in the fluidization response, and slow actin reassembly in the resolidification response. In the bladder smooth muscle cell, the fluidization response to transient stretch occurs not through signaling pathways, but rather through release of increased tensile forces that drive acute disassociation of actin.

姓 名: 邓林红,博士(英国斯查克莱大学生物工程)、教授、博导
联系地址: 重庆市沙坪坝区沙坪正街174号
电 话: +86 (23) 6511 2670;
传 真: +86 (23) 6510 2507;
电子邮箱 : denglh@cqu.edu.cn

2010 中国侨界(创新人才)贡献奖
2008 汤姆森科技《科学观察》世界材料科学领域“快速突破论文”
2003 美国实验生物学联合会“平滑肌研究青年科学家奖”
1992 国际生物流变学会旅行奖

1. Chen C, Krishnan R, Zhou E,…Deng, L., Fredberg, JJ. (2010) Fluidization and Resolidification of the Human Bladder Smooth Muscle Cell in Response to Transient Stretch. PLoS ONE 5(8): e12035. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012035
2. Deng, L, et al. Stress and strain in airway smooth muscle filaments. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 22:407-416,2008
3. Nigel J. Fairbank, Sarah C.Connolly, Linhong Deng, Geoffrey N.Maksym. Airway smooth muscle cell tone amplifies contractile function in the presence of chronic cyclic strain. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 295(3): L479-488, 2008
4. Cai Kaiyong, Yan Hu,….Linhong Deng. Cell-Specific Gene Transfection from a Gene-Functionalized Poly(lactic acid) Substrate Fabricated by the Layer-by-Layer Assembly Technique. Angewandte Chemie, 47(39):7479-7481,2008
5. Deng, Linhong., Dynamics of the cytoskeleton: A portrait of living cells as heterogeneous and nonequilibrial materials, in Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, DESTECH PUBLICATIONS INC: Lancaster. p. 582-587, 2008.
6. Trepat Xavier, Linhong Deng, Steve S. An, Daniel Nevajas, Daniel J Tschumperlin, Willliam T. Gerthoffer, James P. Butler, and Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Universal physical responses to stretch in the living cell. Nature 447:592-595, 31 May, 2007
7. An SS, Bai TR, ….Deng L, et al. Airway smooth muscle dynamics: a common pathway of airway obstruction in asthma. European Respiratory J 29:834-860, 2007
8. Cai Kaiyong, Jun Zhang,Linhong Deng, Li Yang, Yan Hu, Lei Xu. Physical and biological properties of a novel hydrogel composite based on oxidized alginate, gelatin and tricalcium phosphate for bone tissue engineering. Advanced Engineering Materials. Vol. 9:1082-1088, 2007
9. Deng, Linhong Xavier Trepat, James P. Butler, Emil Millet, Kathleen G. Morgan, David A. Weitz and Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Fast and slow dynamics of the cytoskeleton. Nature Materials 5:636-640, 2006
10. Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, DJ Cole, JJ Fredberg and GN Maksym. Airway smooth muscle tone modulates mechanically induced cytoskeletal stiffening and remodeling. J Appl Physiol 99: 634-641, 2005.
11. Maksym, GN, Deng, L, Fairbank, NJ, Lall, CA, and SC Connoly: Beneficial and harmful effects of oscillatory mechanical strain on airway smooth muscle. Canadian Journal of physiology and Pharmacology 83:913-922, 2005.
12. Bai TR, … Deng LH, et al. On the terminology for describing the length-force relationship and its changes in airway smooth muscle. J Appl Physiol. 97(6):2029-34, 2004 (An invited editorial)
13. Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, B Fabry, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Localized mechanical stress induces time-dependent actin cytoskeletal remodeling and stiffening in cultured airway smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol: Cell Physiol. 287: C440-448, 2004
14. Smith, P.G., Deng, L., Fredberg, J.J. and G.N. Maksym: Mechanical Strain Increases Cell Stiffness Through Cytoskeletal Filament Reorganization. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 285(2):L456-63, 2003

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