当过“报童”的美国科学院院士David L. Dilcher教授

【字体: 时间:2011年07月04日 来源:科学网


  第35期《古植物学的故事》提到美国两位著名古植物学家,即:Jack Albert Wolfe(1936--2005)和David L. Dilcher (1936--)。非常巧合的是这两位学者的生日相同,均出生于1936年7月10日。Jack Albert Wolfe的学术历史已作介绍,本期《古植物学的故事》简要介绍当过“报童”的美国科学院院士、2009年度中国政府“友谊奖”获得者David L. Dilcher教授。







2009年度中国政府“友谊奖”获得者----当过“报童”的美国科学院院士David L. Dilcher教授


第35期《古植物学的故事》提到美国两位著名古植物学家,即:Jack Albert Wolfe(1936--2005)和David L. Dilcher (1936--)。非常巧合的是这两位学者的生日相同,均出生于1936年7月10日。Jack Albert Wolfe的学术历史已作介绍,本期《古植物学的故事》简要介绍当过“报童”的美国科学院院士、2009年度中国政府“友谊奖”获得者David L. Dilcher教授。

2006年3月上海科技教育出版社出版了David L. Dilcher教授的英文自传--《好奇的一生:迪尔切传略》(A Curious Life—An Autobiographical Sketch)。David L. Dilcher教授回顾了他的成长经历和学术经历。

1936年7月10日David L. Dilcher出生在艾奥瓦(Iowa)州的Cedar Falls,父亲是Leonard George Dilcher,母亲是Hannah Elisa Short Dilcher。1942年,Leonard George Dilcher到明尼苏达州的北方泵厂(The Northern Pump Factory in Minnesota)工作,故举家搬到明尼苏达州一个叫做Anoka的小镇居住。David L. Dilcher在Anoka长大,6岁到22岁在Anoka小镇学习和生活。 

David L. Dilcher在他的《自传》中回忆, 9--12岁他当过报童[注:9岁的美国大男孩一般是小学4年级学生(fourth grader),12岁的少年一般进middle school(相当于中国的初中)的第2年,即是7年级学生]。每天(7 days a week)David要给30—40客户送一种名叫The Star and Tribune的晚报。送报要求某种苛刻的准时性,放学后David不得不每晚都要在固定的送报线路上奔走,这种单调乏味的生活教育了年少的David要学会坚持和忍耐。现将有关文字抄录如下: 

“I delivered the Star and Tribune evening newspaper to about 30-40 customers 7 days a week from ages 9 to 12.Collecting house to house on Friday evening and Saturday mornings was always a chore(杂活/琐事). But the rigor, importance of delivering the paper on time, and the routine of walking the paper route each evening when school was out taught me to persevere, even I did not enjoy the work and would rather have played. I learned that there could be a sense of finishing the work in front of me that could bring some slight satisfaction. Many a winter night I would come home in the dark after walking about 3—4 miles, picking up and delivering my papers. In the cold Minnesota winters my toes would often lose all feeling and ached when then began to thaw when I was home preparing for supper. From age 9 and on I earned the money I needed for clothes, entertainment, and miscellaneous expenses.”[See p.6. of Dilcher (2006)]

 David L. Dilcher就读于Anoka高中(Anoka High School),1954年毕业。Katherine Swanson是David的高中同窗,后来成为他的妻子(注:1961年结婚)。

 1954—1958年,David L. Dilcher就读于明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)。John Hall教授对David的学习生活产生重要影响,使他涉猎古植物学研究。

 1958年夏,David L. Dilcher从明尼苏达大学教育学院毕业,获得自然科学教育方向的学士学位。同年秋,David L. Dilcher在明尼苏达大学继续学习。[The fall of 1958 David L. Dilcher began a Masters of Science program at the University of Minnesota with a major in Botany and minors in Geology and Zoology.] David L. Dilcher曾跟随Orval Dhal教授学习过孢粉学课程。1959年,David L. Dilcher研究了采自中始新世Puryear粘土中的叶化石角质层(cuticle)。1960年,David L. Dilcher完成3篇研究论文并获得理学硕士学位。

 1960年夏—1962年夏,David L. Dilcher在伊利诺斯大学(The University of Illinois at Champaign-Urana)跟随古植物学家Ted Delevoryas学习。伊利诺斯大学植物系有一个著名的古植物学实验室,当时该实验室的学术领袖是著名古植物学家Wilson N. Stewart (1918--2004)。在这一时期,David L. Dilcher的古植物学研究深受现代植物解剖学、形态学等学科的学术思想之影响。

 1962年秋,Ted Delevoryas(1929--)到耶鲁大学任教,David L. Dilcher同时前往耶鲁大学生物系,继续跟随Ted Delevoryas学习。1964年David L. Dilcher从耶鲁大学获得博士学位。

 1964—1965年,David L. Dilcher到德国法兰克福Senckenberg博物馆跟随著名古植物学家Richard Krausel(1890—1966)从事博士后研究。

 1965—1966年,David L. Dilcher回到耶鲁大学生物系担任生物学教员。自1966年起,David L. Dilcher开始供职于印地安那大学(Indiana University)植物系,直到1990年。1974年,David L. Dilcher在国际著名的植物学期刊Botanical Review(《植物学论评》)发表了他的专著性研究—Approaches to the Identification of Angiosperm Leaf Remains。 David L. Dilcher在他的著作中全面总结了鉴定被子植物叶化石的主要方法,其中对于角质层分析技术做了系统性的归纳。这项工作对于被子植物叶化石的研究具有长期影响。

 自1990年起,David L. Dilcher开始供职于佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆,直到2009年退休。

 1979年,中国古植物学家徐仁(1910--1992)、李星学(1917--2010)、田宝霖(1929—2008)、朱为庆和赵修祜访问美国,David L. Dilcher与中国同行开始了越来越密切的直接交往。1986年,David L. Dilcher第一次访问中国,开始全面与中国同行合作。他和中国古植物学家孙革先生关于早期被子植物的长期合作尤为引人注目。

 David L. Dilcher教授对于美国古植物学乃至世界古植物学的贡献是多方面的。我觉得,非常重要的是David L. Dilcher教授与他的同事们及学生们经过半个世纪的不懈努力采集了30多万份植物大化石标本,标本的研究和馆藏实现了开放而有序的管理。1989年,David L. Dilcher当选为美国科学院院士。他还曾担任美国植物学会主席、国际古植物学协会副主席。2009年,David L. Dilcher荣获中国政府颁发的“友谊奖”。


 Dilcher, David L., 2006. A Curious Life—An Autobiographical Sketch (《好奇的一生:迪尔切传略》). Shanghai in China: Shanghai Century Publishing Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Science and Technological Education Publishing House, 1-176


为古植物学而生、为古植物学而死---纪念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe (1936—2005)


( 2010-2-25 4:47:44)

 Dilcher, D. L., 1974. Approaches to the Identification of Angiosperm Leaf Remains Botanical Review, 40:1-157





David L. Dilcher


    David L. Dilcher received a bachelor's degree in natural history (1958) and a master's degree in botany, geology and zoology (1960) from the University of Minnesota. He received a Ph.D. in biology from Yale University in 1964. Currently, he is a graduate research professor in the Department of Natural Sciences at the University of Florida. He is described as one of the most outstanding and experienced botanists and paleobotanists in the world. He is known for pioneering a new line of research into the circumstances surrounding the ancestry and success of flowering plants and for setting the standard for quality research into angiosperm history through his studies of angiosperm leaf fossils. His study on flower evolution led him to China where he and a colleague, at Jilin University in China, presented evidence of a fossil that is believed to be the world's oldest flowering plant, at least 125 million years ago. This discovery and subsequent debate was featured in a PBS broadcast of a NOVA special entitled First Flower that featured Dilcher. He is highly regarded as a teacher and a mentor and he has been recognized for his scholarship by numerous organizations. He is the recipient of the Sonneborn Award for Distinguished Teaching and Research from the University of Indiana. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the International Organization of Paleobotanists. In addition, he was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship (twice in his career), and was selected to serve as a Visiting Scholar to the People's Republic of China by NAS.






Address: 2260 E. Cape Cod Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401, U.S.A.

Email: paleoleo@yahoo.com


Research Interests:

Angiosperm evolution; the origin of flowers to the reproductive biology of the first flowering plants. The evolution of diversity in early angiosperms, the recognition of early phylogenic lines of relationship between major taxa, trends in evolution of the group. Tertiary age radiations of angiosperms and their phytogeography. Evolutionary Biology. Plant/animal coevolution. Biostratigraphy, Biodiversity, Global Vegetational Change.

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