
【字体: 时间:2011年07月08日 来源:赛默飞世尔科技



Joe M. Zock
赛默飞世尔科技公司 美国



高内涵筛选(High Content Screening, HCS)是自动化显微成像技术与图像分析技术在药物研发及细胞生物学方面的一个应用。这个技术已经从最初的一个有趣命题发展成为一种有用的技术,并在最近十年中演变成为有价值的实用方法。这篇综述旨在总结那些发表在同行审阅的期刊中,并使用HCS作为一个主要研究方法的文章,试图让大家了解HCS在生命科学的几个重要领域中的广泛应用。




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Liu等解释了ELISA和HCS如何提供互补的结果,来帮助作者确定受试化合物的复杂的药理学原理。文中提到:“很清楚,神经微丝蛋白(NF)的ELISA结果是对神经细胞活性的评估,…… 另一方面,Cellomics ArrayScan HCS平台,象本研究中所展示的,旨在评估化合物促进神经突触生长的能力,……两种技术平台结合使用,能够帮助研究人员鉴定出具有多种细胞活性的化合物,例如FK506”[14]。







通过早期检测凋亡[34-38]和增殖[39-41],HCS在肿瘤研究领域找到了最初的立足点。接着, 关于细胞周期[42-44],转化[45]和迁移[46-48]的实验随之而来。我们开发了迁移实验算法和试剂盒,用来评价肿瘤转移的可能性[49-51]。利用HCS能够看到单个细胞的应答,而不是“群体的平均反应性”,这使我们能够更好地理解抗肿瘤化合物是怎样对癌变细胞和正常细胞产生不同的作用的,而且,也能够帮助我们确定肿瘤标志物的功能[52]。使用HCS所鉴定的抗肿瘤化合物已经开始进入临床实验阶段[53]。












药物发现早期的靶点验证,以及大多数基础研究,都着眼于寻找细胞生物学架构中的新成员,以及验证它们各种各样的功能。在基础研究方面,靶点验证可以帮助理解细胞生物学的全景;在药物发现方面,靶点验证为开发反应疾病状态的检测分析方法提供了基础,从而可以找到阻止疾病状态的分子。最终,这个领域的成功与否取决于相关性高的生物学模型及准确的生理环境条件。相对较晚出现的技术是利用干细胞和RNAi来产生细胞模型,这是一个对表型进行量化检测的绝佳手段。不管是追踪一个正在分化的干细胞变成肌细胞群的发展过程,还是评估敲除神经轴突细胞生长的增殖信号的结果,HCS都可应用于其中。在最近的发表一篇基于RNAi筛选的综述中,Perrimon评论到,“在RNAi HTS中也许最显著的进展将会来自高内涵筛选。依赖细胞表型的HCS检测在RNAi HTS中正在成为一种首选的方法,因为它们产生的数据集信息丰富,原代细胞的使用提供了很多机会,能够在生物相关性比较高的环境下,对细胞形态进行筛选”[85]。


在干细胞研究的前沿,HCS已被用于帮助鉴定与干细胞自我更新[91,92]和分化[93]相关的调节系统,主要是通过胚胎干细胞[94,95]或从成年人组织衍生出的细胞系[96]中的多能性标记物(例如,Oct-4)进行量化检测。通过使用多种分化状态的生物标记物,已经完成了对细胞命运的下游追踪[97]。 Peerani等阐明了HCS具有可以提供细胞与细胞的空间关系的独特能力,该研究揭示了人胚胎干细胞(hESC)培养体系的异质微环境(小生态环境)对hESC的命运产生了影响[98]。将细胞分化的诱导和抑制因子(通过siRNA下调)的分泌局限化以后,通过检测niche的大小和细胞组成,“我们率先发现了Smad1在空间信息整合、以及niche大小相关的hESC自我更新和分化中的控制作用。”






索取Cellomics ArrayScan HCS平台的更多资料

[1] Harrison, B.C.; Kim, M.S., van Rooji, E.; Plato, C.F.; Papst, P.J.; Vega, R.B.; McAnally, J.A.; Richardson, J.A.; Bassel-Duby, R.; Olson, E.N.; McKinsey, T.A. Regulation of cardiac stress signaling by protein kinase D1. Mol Cell. Biol., 2006, 26(10), 3875-3888.
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[12] Gasparri, F.; Mariani, M.; Sola, F.; Galvani, A. Quantification of the proliferation index of human dermal fibroblast cultures with the ArrayScan high content screening reader. J. Biomol. Screen. 2004, 9, 232-243.
[13] Vogt, A.; Cooley, K.A.; Brisson, M.; Tarpley, M.G.; Wipf, P.; Lazo, J.S. Cell-active dual specificity phosphatase inhibitors identified by high content screening. Chem. Biol., 2003, 10, 733-742.
[14] Liu, D.; McIlvain, H.B.; Fennell, M.; Dunlop, J.; Wood, A.; Zaleska, M.M.; Graziani, E.I.; Pong, K. Screening of immunophilin ligands by quantitative analysis of neurofilament expression and neurite outgrowth in cultured neurons and cells. J. Neurosci. Methods, 2007, 163, 310-320.
[15] Agler, M.; Prack, M.; Zhu, Y.; Kolb, J.; Nowak, K.; Ryseck, R.; Shen, D.; Cvijic, M.E.; Somerville, J.; Nadler, S.; Chen, T. A high content glucocorticoid receptor translocation assay for compound mechanism-of-action evaluation. J. Biomol. Screen., 2007, 12, 1029-1041.
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[32] Fowler, A.; Seifert, N.; Acker, V.; Woehrle, T.; Kilpert, C.; de Saizieu, A. A nonradioactive high-throughput / high content assay for measurement of the human serotonin reuptake transporter function in vitro. J. Biomol. Screen. 2006, 11, 1027-1034.
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[37] Vogt, A.; McDonald, P.R.; Tamewitz, A.; Sikorski, R.P.; Wipf, P.; Skoko, III J.J.; Lazo, J.S. A cell-active inhibitor of mitogenactivated protein kinase phosphatases restores paclitaxel-induced apoptosis in dexamethasone-protected cancer cells. Mol. Cancer Ther., 2008, 7, 330-340.
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[40] Gasparri, F.; Mariani, M.; Sola, F.; Galvani, A. Quantification of the proliferation index of human dermal fibroblast cultures with the ArrayScan high content screening reader. J. Biomol. Screen., 2004, 9, 232-243.
[41] Breier, J.M.; Radio, N.M.; Mundy, W.R.; Shafer, T.J. Development of a high-throughput screening assay for chemical effects on proliferation and viability of immortalized human neural progenitor cells. Toxicol. Sci., 2008, 105, 119-133.
[42] Barabasz, A.; Foley, B.; Otto, J.C.; Scott, A.; Rice, J. The use of high content screening for the discovery and characterization of compounds that modulate mitotic index and cell cycle progression by differing mechanisms of action. Assay Drug Dev. Technol., 2006, 4(2), 153-163.
[43] Gasparri, F.; Ciavolella, A.; Galvani, A. Cell cycle inhibitor profiling by high content analysis. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 2007, 604, 137-148.
[44] Gasparri, F.; Cappella, P.; Galvani, A. Multiparametric cell cycle analysis by automated microscopy. J. Biomol. Screen., 2006, 11, 586-598.
[45] Li, Y.; Pan, J.; Li, J.L.; Lee, J.H.; Tunkey, C.; Saraf, K.; Garbe, J.C.; Whitley, M.Z.; Jelinsky, S.A.; Stampfer, M.R.; Haney, S.A. Transcriptional changes associate with breast cancer occur as normal human mammary epithelial cells overcome senescence barrier and become immortalized. Mol. Cancer, 2007, 6(7), 1-17.
[46] Mastyugin, V.; McWhinnie, E.; Labow, M.; Buxton, F. A quantitative high-throughput endothelial cell migration assay. J. Biomol. Screen., 2004, 9, 712-718.
[47] Richards, G.R.; Millard, R.M.; Leveridge, M.; Kerby, J.; Simpson, P.B. Quantitative assays of chemotaxis and chemokinesis for human neural cells. Assay Drug Dev. Technol., 2004, 2, 465-472.
[48] Nam, J.-S.; Ino, Y.; Kanai, Y.; Sakamoto, M.; Hirohashi, S. 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine restores the E-cadherin system in E-cadherinsilenced cancer cells and reduces cancer metastasis. Clin. Exp. Metastasis, 2004, 21, 49-56.
[49] Bhawe, K.M.; Blake, R.A..; Clary, D.O.; Flanagan, P.M. An automated image capture and quantitation approach to identify proteins affecting tumor cell proliferation. J. Biomol. Screen. 2004, 9, 216-222.
[50] Shimamra, T.; Yasuda, J.; Ino, Y.; Gotoh, M.; Tsuchiya, A.; Nakajima, A.; Sakamoto, M.; Kanai, Y.; Hirohashi, S. Dysadherin expression facilitates cell motility and metastatic potential of human pancreatic cancer cells. Cancer Res., 2004, 64, 6989-6995.
[51] Chuma, M.; Sakamoto, M.; Yasuda, J.; Fujii, G.; Nakanishi, K.; Tsuchiya, A.; Ohta, T.; Asaka, M.; Hirohashi, S. Overexpression of cortactin is involved in motility and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Hepatol., 2004, 41, 629-636.
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[53] Sartore-Bianchi, A.; Gasparri, F.; Galvani, A.; Nici, L.; Darnowski, J.W.; Barbone, D.; Fennell, D.A.; Gaudino, G.; Porta, C.; Mutti, L. Bortezomib inhibits nuclear factor-kappa B dependent survival and
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[59] Richards, G.R.; Smith, A.J.; Parry, F.; Platts, A.; Chan, G.K.; Leveridge, M.; Kerby, J.E.; Simpson, P.B. A morphology-and kinetics-based cascade for human neural cell high content screening. Assay Drug Dev. Technol., 2006, 4(2), 143-152.
[60] McIlvain, H.B.; Baudy, A.; Sullivan, K.; Liu, D.; Pong, K.; Fennell, M.; Dunlop, J. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) induces differentiation in the neuronal F11 cell line through a PKA-dependent pathway. Brain Res., 2006, 1077(1), 16-23.
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[64] Ruan, B.; Pong, K.; Jow, F.; Bowlby, M.; Crozier, R.A.; Liu, D.; Liang, S.; Chen, Y.; Mercado, M.L.; Feng, X.; Bennett. F.; von Schack, D.; McDonald, L.; Zaleska, M.M.; Wood, A.; Reinhart, P.H.; Magola, R.L.; Skotnicki, J.; Pangalos, M.N.; Koehn, F.E.; Carter, G.T.; Abou-Gharbia, M.; Graziani, E.I. Binding of rapamycin analogs to calcium channels and FKBP52 contributes to their neuroprotective activities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2008,
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[65] Fennell, M.; Chan, H.; Wood, A. Multiparameter measurement of caspase 3 activation and apoptotic cell death in NT2 neuronal precursor cells using high content analysis. J. Biomol. Screen., 2006, 11(3), 296-302.
[66] Culbert, A.A.; Skaper, S.D.; Howlett, D.R.; Evans, N.A.; Facci, L.; Soden, P.E.; Seymour, Z.M.; Guillot, F.; Gaestel, M.; Richardson, J.C. MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 deficiency in micoglia inhibits pro-inflammatory mediator release and resultant neurotoxicity: relevance to neuroinflammation in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer Disease. J. Biol. Chem., 2006, 281(33), 23658-23667.
[67] Lotharius, J.; Falsig, J.; van Beek, J.; Payne, S.; Dringen, R.; Brundin, P.; Leist, M. Progressive degenration of human mesencephalic neuron-derived cells triggered by dopaminedependent oxidative stress is dependent on a mixed-lineage kinase pathway. J. Neurosci., 2005, 25(27), 6329-6342.
[68] Plun-Favreau, H.; Klupsch, K.; Moisoi, N.; Gandhi, S.; Kjaer, S.; Frith, D.; Harvey, K.; Deas, E.; Harvey, R.J.; McDonald, N.; Wood, N.W.; Martins, L.M.; Downward, J. The mitochondrial protease HtrA2 is regulated by Parkinson’s Disease-associated linase PINK1. Nat. Cell Biol., 2007, 9(11), 1227-1229.
[69] Doi, H.; Okamura, K.; Bauer, P.O.; Furukawa, Y.; Shimizu, H.; Kurosawa, M.; Machida, Y.; Miyazaki, H.; Mitsui, K.; Kuriowa, Y.; Nukina. N. RNA-binding protein TLS is a major nuclear aggregate-interacting proein in Huntingtin exon 1 with expanded polyglutamine-expressing cells. J. Biol. Chem., 2007, 283(10), 6489-6500.
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