
【字体: 时间:2012年11月02日 来源:生物通




生物通报道:Cell推出了新一期《聚焦中国》,重点介绍了近年来中国免疫学研究的飞速发展。本期《聚焦中国》作为Cell旗下《Immunity》的特殊增刊,展示了华人科学家在天然免疫Innate Immunity、特异性免疫Adaptive Immunity、自身免疫疾病等领域的新成果。并专门介绍了中国免疫学会、上海第二军医大学医学免疫学国家重点实验室、中国科技大学免疫学研究所、中国科学院生物物理研究所、中国医学科学院、北京大学生命科学院等国内领先免疫学研究机构与团体。









中国科学技术大学免疫学研究所成立于2001年,由田志刚教授担任所长。现有教授8人、兼职教授4人(均为海外青年学者合作基金资助)、副教授2人、博士后6, 博士生和硕博连读研究生70余人。教授中“国家杰出青年科学基金’”获得者1人、”****奖励计划”特聘教授1人、“中科院****”引进教授4人。研究所成立以来先后承担国家科技重大专项项目1项、课题4项,国家973课题6项,国家863课题4项,国家自然科学基金重点项目3项,面上项目15项,中科院知识创新工程项目5项。发表SCI论文153篇,包括发表于Proc Natl Acad Sci USAHepatologyPloS PathogenJ Allergy Clin ImmunolCancer ResearchJ ImmunologyJ HepatologyClin Cancer ResearchHeamatologia等高位刊物的论文。(更多信息


Huang, M., Sun, R., Wei, H., and Tian, Z. (2012). Simultaneous knockdown of multiple ligands of innate receptor NKG2D high efficiently prevents NK cell-mediated fulminant hepatitis. Hepatology. Published online July 13, 2012. 10.1002/hep.25959.

Han, Q., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., and Tian, Z. (2011). Reversal of hepatitis B virus-induced immune tolerance by an immunostimulatory 3p-HBx-siRNAs in a retinoic acid inducible gene I-dependent manner. Hepatology 54, 1179–1189.

Jin, Z., Sun, R., Wei, H., Gao, X., Chen, Y., and Tian,Z. (2011). Accelerated liver fibrosis in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice: involvement of natural killer cells. Hepatology 53, 219–229.

Hou, X., Zhou, R., Wei, H., Sun, R., and Tian, Z. (2009). NKG2D-retinoic acid early inducible-1 recognition between natural killer cells and Kupffer cells in a novel murine natural killer cell-dependent fulminant hepatitis. Hepatology 49, 940–949.

Chen, Q.,Wei,H., Sun,R.,Zhang,J., andTian,Z.(2008). Therapeutic RNA silencing of Cys-X3-Cys chemokine ligand 1 gene prevents mice from adenovirus vector-induced acute liver injury. Hepatology 47, 648–658.




Zhang, M., Tang, H., Guo, Z., An, H., Zhu, X., Song, W., Guo, J.,Huang, X., Chen, T., Wang, J., and Cao, X. (2004). Splenic stroma drives mature dendritic cells to differentiate into regulatory dendritic cells. Nat. Immunol. 5, 1124–1133.

An, H., Zhao, W., Hou, J., Zhang, Y., Xie, Y., Zheng, Y., Xu, H., Qian, C., Zhou, J., Yu, Y., et al. (2006). SHP-2 Phosphatase Negatively Regulates the TRIF Adaptor Protein-Dependent Type I Interferon and Proinflammatory Cytokine Production. Immunity 25, 919–928.

An, H., Hou, J., Zhou, J., Zhao, Y., Xu, H., Zheng, Y., Yu, Y., Liu, S., and Cao, X. (2008). Phosphatase SHP-1 promotes TLR- and RIG-Iactivated production of type I interferon by inhibiting kinase IRAK-1. Nat. Immunol. 9, 542–550.

Yang, P., An, H., Liu, X., Wen, M., Zheng, Y., Rui, Y., and Cao, X. (2010). The cytosolic nucleic acid sensor LRRFIP1 mediates the production of type I interferon via a beta-catenin-dependent pathway. Nat. Immunol. 11, 487–494.

Liu, X., Zhan, Z., Li, D., Xu, L., Ma, F., Zhang, P., Yao, H., and Cao, X. (2011). Intracellular MHC class II molecules promote TLR-triggered innate immune responses by maintaining activation of the kinase Btk. Nat. Immunol. 12, 416–424.

Hou, J., Lin, L., Zhou, W., Wang, Z., Ding, G., Dong, Q., Qin, L., Wu, X., Zheng, Y., Yang, Y., et al. (2011). Identification of miRNomes in human liver and hepatocellular carcinoma reveals miR-199a/b-3p as therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Cell 19, 232–243.

Xu, S., Liu, X., Bao, Y., Zhu, X., Han, C., Zhang, P., Zhang, X., Li, W., and Cao, X. (2012). Constitutive MHC class I molecules negatively regulate TLR-triggered inflammatory responses via the Fps-SHP-2 pathway. Nat. Immunol. 13, 551–559.









Spotlight on China

The 2013 Spotlight on China is an informational supplement to the journal Immunity that highlights recent developments in immunology that are the culmination of investments by the Chinese government, Chinese divisions of pharmaceutical companies, and Chinese scientists.  The essays showcase advances in the understanding of both innate and adaptive immunity as well as efforts to translate these findings into tackling autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases.  We also explore the interplay between stem cells and the immune system in the context of regenerative medicine and stem cell-based therapies.

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