
【字体: 时间:2012年02月06日 来源:生物通


  近日来自美国斯坦福大学医学院的研究人员在新研究中解析了RNAi对染色质的影响效应及作用机制,这一研究成果发表在国际知名学术期刊《自然遗传学》(Nature genetics)杂志上。


生物通报道  近日来自美国斯坦福大学医学院的研究人员在新研究中解析了RNAi对染色质的影响效应及作用机制,这一研究成果发表在国际知名学术期刊《自然遗传学》(Nature genetics)杂志上。


文章的通讯作者是美国著名遗传学和分子生物学家、2006年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主Andrew Fire教授。1998年Andrew Z Fire和马萨诸塞大学癌症中心的Craig Mello 首次将双链dsRNA 注入线虫,结果诱发了比正义链和反义链的单独注射都要强的基因沉默。他们将这种现象称为RNA干扰作用(RNAi)。在随后的短短一年中,RNAi现象被广泛地发现于真菌、拟南芥、水螅、涡虫、锥虫、斑马鱼等大多数真核生物中,对于动植物抵抗外源病毒、生长发育调控方面起着重要的作用,至此掀起了广泛开展RNAi研究的热潮。

RNA 干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是指通过反义RNA与正链RNA形成双链RNA特异性抑制靶基因的转录后表达的现象,它通过人为地引入与内源性靶基因具有相同序列的双链 RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA),诱导内源靶基因的mRNA降解,改变染色质的结构,达到关闭相应序列基因表达或使其沉默的目的。

在这篇文章中,研究人员以线虫作为模式动物对dsRNA靶向改变染色质的效应,以及RNAi 机器(RNAi machinery)中的重要组成蛋白质因子展开了研究。利用高分辨率全基因组染色质分析(chromatin profiling)技术,研究人员发现了几组RNAi诱导启动子区富集H3K9me3的基因,并鉴别出了线虫基因组中2万个基因的靶向位点。遗传学分析结果表明在RNAi过程中负责次级siRNA(secondary siRNA)产生的因子对靶向染色质起至关重要的作用。时空分析(Temporal analysis)揭示dsRNA触发一次H3K9me3修饰,可在缺乏dsRNA的情况下连续保存至少两代。




Amplification of siRNA in Caenorhabditis elegans generates a transgenerational sequence-targeted histone H3 lysine 9 methylation footprint

Exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been shown to exert homology-dependent effects at the level of both target mRNA stability and chromatin structure. Using C. elegans undergoing RNAi as an animal model, we have investigated the generality, scope and longevity of dsRNA-targeted chromatin effects and their dependence on components of the RNAi machinery. Using high-resolution genome-wide chromatin profiling, we found that a diverse set of genes can be induced to acquire locus-specific enrichment of histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3), with modification footprints extending several kilobases from the site of dsRNA homology and with locus specificity sufficient to distinguish the targeted locus from the other 20,000 genes in the C. elegans genome. Genetic analysis of the response indicated that factors responsible for secondary siRNA production during RNAi were required for effective targeting of chromatin. Temporal analysis revealed that H3K9me3, once triggered by dsRNA, can be maintained in the absence of dsRNA for at least two generations before being lost. These results implicate dsRNA-triggered chromatin modification in C. elegans as a programmable and locus-specific response defining a metastable state that can persist through generational boundaries.


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