
【字体: 时间:2013年08月14日 来源:生物通




一位网友在此前的文章中留言道,“Zhao pleaded guilty last month to a charge of accessing a computer without authorization. U.S. District Judge Charles Clevert agreed with the defense that Zhao be sentenced to time served for the 4½ months he already spent behind bars. Clevert noted that even Zhao’s former boss at the medical college expressed his admiration and respect for Zhao’s work. The judge also cited Zhao’s clean record and sterling scientific reputation. “He has been incarcerated away from his family and he has not been able to continue the research that consumed his life,” Clevert said. Before handing down the sentence, Clevert heard from Zhao’s wife and several members of his church. All described him as an honest, hardworking man who lived for his cancer research. If he crossed any legal line, they said, it was only because he cared so much about his research that he wanted to safeguard it. Zhao told the judge the same thing, noting that he never intended to profit from the work and only wanted to make sure it was in responsible hands. “Please consider the possible damage to cancer research if the world views me as a criminal instead of as a dedicated research scientist,” he said. Although Zhao wasn’t sentenced to prison time, his residency status in the U.S. as a Chinese citizen is now in question. He was taken from the hearing directly into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, who will decide the next steps. Zhao told the judge Tuesday he panicked when the hardware was taken because he was worried something would happen to his data, so he accessed the school’s servers to download it. Federal prosecutor Stephen Ingraham didn’t raise either issue at sentencing. After the hearing, he acknowledged both issues were “troubling,” but said he couldn’t prove Zhao took the vials or actually intended to profit from them.” (2013-8-12 23:53:00)

“His motive and intent, as described below, were to ensure the integrity of his research data and other information and devices, and continue his work to finish the C-25 paper. MCW officials had just seized Dr. Zhao’s personal laptop, his personal papers, a flash drive, and his external hard drive. The external hard drive contained Dr. Zhao’s most up-to-date C-25 research data for the paper he was expected to produce by March 15th. His personal laptop and other devices did not contain any of the MCW information at issue, but did contain substantial amounts of other work, research data and information he was currently working on with colleagues at University of Cincinnati, his immigration paperwork and documents, and volumes of other documents and items personally important to Dr. Zhao.As a result of the seizure, Dr. Zhao was, perhaps understandably, panicked about the integrity of these devices. It was that panic that caused him to make the mistake of returning to MCW without authorization, after his suspension. He did not return to MCW with the intent to destroy anything. Instead, he wanted to ensure the integrity of and protect the devices and data. When he got there, he discovered that his laptop, external hard drive, and other property were not at his work station. He found a flash drive which he used to copy his (older version of) C-25 research data. He was at the lab that night for approximately two hours, during which he checked on cell lines, ran experiments, and continued his MCW work.” (2013-8-12 23:20:00)

留言表示,地区法官Charles Clevert指出赵华军医学院前任老板表达了对赵华军工作的认可和尊敬,也提及了其本人良好的信用记录和科学声誉。对于此次控诉,赵华军辩解道,他并未想从这一工作中牟利,只是希望研究数据不要出差错,因此进入了学校服务器进行了下载。






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