
【字体: 时间:2014年10月28日 来源:生物通


  目前,来自日本和英国的一个国际研究小组,发现了一种蛋白(称为PP4),可在精子和卵子生成、成功受精的过程中,监视DNA的处理过程。在老化过程中,这种蛋白质的活性变得更加至关重要。相关研究结果,发表在2014年10月23日的《PLOS Genetics》杂志,有望可以帮助科学家理解人类年龄相关生育率下降的根本机制。


生物通报道:目前,来自日本和英国的一个国际研究小组,发现了一种蛋白(称为PP4),可在精子和卵子生成、成功受精的过程中,监视DNA的处理过程。在老化过程中,这种蛋白质的活性变得更加至关重要。相关研究结果,发表在2014年10月23日的《PLOS Genetics》杂志,有望可以帮助科学家理解人类年龄相关生育率下降的根本机制。


为了了解何种蛋白有助于减数分裂顺利运行,日本京都大学整合细胞-材料科学(iCeMS)和日本东北大学、伦敦帝国学院的研究人员,使用一种微小的蠕虫(被称为秀丽隐杆线虫Caenorhabditis elegans),来深入调查PP4的作用。


参与这项研究的iCeMS研究员Aya Sato-Carlton称:“我们发现,当PP4缺失时,染色体就不能正确组装,DNA重组——遗传多样性的重要一步,没有发生。由此产生的卵子是有缺陷的,受精后里面的胚胎无法生存。”


因为线虫与人类的PP4 DNA有90%的相似性,因此这个蛋白可能在所有动物中发挥相同的作用,作为减数分裂的一个调节器,特别是当有机体衰老的时候。

本研究的首席研究员,来自iCeMS的Peter Carlton称:“然而,现在就肯定地说PP4在人类中具有相似的作用,还为时过早。下一步,我们将继续探讨,是否我们观察到的现象,也发生在小鼠当中。”



Protein Phosphatase 4 Promotes Chromosome Pairing and Synapsis, and Contributes to Maintaining Crossover Competence with Increasing Age
Abstract: Prior to the meiotic divisions, dynamic chromosome reorganizations including pairing, synapsis, and recombination of maternal and paternal chromosome pairs must occur in a highly regulated fashion during meiotic prophase. How chromosomes identify each other's homology and exclusively pair and synapse with their homologous partners, while rejecting illegitimate synapsis with non-homologous chromosomes, remains obscure. In addition, how the levels of recombination initiation and crossover formation are regulated so that sufficient, but not deleterious, levels of DNA breaks are made and processed into crossovers is not understood well. We show that in Caenorhabditis elegans, the highly conserved Serine/Threonine protein phosphatase PP4 homolog, PPH-4.1, is required independently to carry out four separate functions involving meiotic chromosome dynamics: (1) synapsis-independent chromosome pairing, (2) restriction of synapsis to homologous chromosomes, (3) programmed DNA double-strand break initiation, and (4) crossover formation. Using quantitative imaging of mutant strains, including super-resolution (3D-SIM) microscopy of chromosomes and the synaptonemal complex, we show that independently-arising defects in each of these processes in the absence of PPH-4.1 activity ultimately lead to meiotic nondisjunction and embryonic lethality. Interestingly, we find that defects in double-strand break initiation and crossover formation, but not pairing or synapsis, become even more severe in the germlines of older mutant animals, indicating an increased dependence on PPH-4.1 with increasing maternal age. Our results demonstrate that PPH-4.1 plays multiple, independent roles in meiotic prophase chromosome dynamics and maintaining meiotic competence in aging germlines. PP4's high degree of conservation suggests it may be a universal regulator of meiotic prophase chromosome dynamics.


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