《Cell Transplantation》:太极拳可以减缓衰老过程?

【字体: 时间:2014年05月30日 来源:生物通


  太极拳是中国的一种传统武术和体育运动。最近在国际权威期刊《Cell Transplantation》发表的一项研究中,研究人员检测了练习太极拳、快走运动和不做运动对三组年轻人的影响,结果发现,练习太极拳有益于提高一种重要类型细胞的数量。练习太极拳的受试者,其分化34表达细胞(CD34+)集群有所增加。


生物通报道:太极拳是中国的一种传统武术和体育运动。最近在国际权威期刊《Cell Transplantation》发表的一项研究中,研究人员检测了练习太极拳、快走运动和不做运动对三组年轻人的影响,结果发现,练习太极拳有益于提高一种重要类型细胞的数量。练习太极拳的受试者,其分化34表达细胞(CD34+)集群有所增加,CD34+是对许多人体功能和结构非常重要的一种干细胞。

本文通讯作者、台湾中国医药大学医院神经精神病学中心的Shinn-Zong Lin博士指出:“为了评估太极拳潜在的寿命延长作用,我们进行了长达一年的回顾性横断面研究,比较了太极拳、快走运动和不做运动分别对三组25岁以下志愿者(分别简称为TCC、BW和NEH)的复原和抗衰老作用。我们之所以选择年轻志愿者,是因为他们比老年人群有更好的细胞更新能力,同时我们也希望避免慢性疾病和药物等因素的干扰。”


作者写道:“与NEH受试组相比,TCC受试组具有显著更高的CD 34+细胞数量。我们发现,TCC受试组的CD 34+细胞计数明显高于BW组。”


Lin称:“练习太极拳很可能会促使血管扩张,增加血流量。考虑到BW可能需要更大的空间或更多的设备。练习太极拳似乎是一个更容易和更方便的抗衰老运动选择。”南佛罗里达大学Morsani 医学院衰老和脑修复卓越中心的特聘教授Paul R. Sanberg博士指出:“这项研究,第一次提供了练习太极拳能带来健康益处的科学证据。有必要进一步研究太极拳如何有益于不同人群,以及研究不同的衰老参数,来确定它的全面影响。”


Tai Chi Intervention Increases Progenitor CD34+ Cells in Young Adults
Abstract: Tai Chi has been shown to have many great health benefits. However, few research attempts have been made to explore the effects of practicing TCC on life span. This study provides direct evidence of Tai Chi’s antiaging effects. We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to compare the rejuvenating and antiaging effects among Tai Chi group (TCC) and brisk walking group (BW) and no exercise habit group (NEH). Thirty-two participants were selected out of a possible 60 based on a survey, and they were separated into three groups: the TCC group (practicing for more than 1 year), the BW group (practicing for more than 1 year), and the NEH group. The CD34+ cell counts in peripheral blood of the participants was determined, and the Kruskal‐Wallis test was used to evaluate and compare the antiaging effects of the three groups. Of the 32 participants in this study, the participants in the TCC group (N = 10) outperformed the NEH group (N = 12) with respect to the number of CD34+ progenitor cells. No significant difference was found between the TCC group and the BW group. TCC practice sustained for more than 1 year may be an intervention against aging as effective as BW in terms of its benefits on the improvement of CD34+ number.

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