《PLOS Genetics》:涡虫头部再生相关基因

【字体: 时间:2014年07月08日 来源:生物通


  最近,美国西北大学研究人员宣布,他们发现了一个基因zic-1,可在扁虫类涡虫断头之后,使干细胞能够重新再生出头部。美国西北大学的Christian Petersen教授和博士研究生Constanza Vásquez-Doorman,以“zic-1 Expression in Planarian Neoblasts after Injury Controls Anterior Pole Regeneration”为题,将相关研究结果发表在2014年7月3日的《PLOS Genetics》杂志。


生物通报道:最近,美国西北大学研究人员宣布,他们发现了一个基因zic-1,可在扁虫类涡虫断头之后,使干细胞能够重新再生出头部。美国西北大学的Christian Petersen教授和博士研究生Constanza Vásquez-Doorman,以“zic-1 Expression in Planarian Neoblasts after Injury Controls Anterior Pole Regeneration”为题,将相关研究结果发表在2014年7月3日的《PLOS Genetics》杂志。


整个动物王国的许多物种都具有再生能力,但是将损伤和干细胞激活以及新组织产生联系起来的机制,尚不完全清楚。发育生物学家已经证实,在早期胚胎中,大多数动物利用“tissue organizers”,其可分泌蛋白质允许细胞间通讯用以器官形成。但是,这种tissue organizers如何可以从头开始产生,从而使涡虫这样的动物能够成年再生,还不明确。

解决这一问题的一个线索,来自于Petersen以前的研究,该研究将分泌性蛋白质Notum确定为涡虫头部再生所需的tissue organizers的一个成分。Notum通过抑制Wnt信号——用于细胞间通讯的一个广泛使用的分子通路,来驱动头部的再生。Vásquez-Doorman和Petersen发现,Notum蛋白的表达和头部再生,都需要zic-1基因,该基因编码一个DNA结合蛋白,在涡虫断头后不久该蛋白在干细胞中被激活。

人类干细胞可能最终被用于构建和修复复杂的组织,但是对这些细胞正在进行的大多数研究,集中在它们在培养皿中产生单个细胞类型的能力。Petersen的研究发现,Wnt信号和zic-1基因在使用干细胞协调再生生长的过程中,两者之间存在一个潜在的古老关系,表明有一天人类干细胞或许可以用来产生tissue organizers,用以增强损伤修复。



zic-1 Expression in Planarian Neoblasts after Injury Controls Anterior Pole Regeneration
Abstract:Mechanisms that enable injury responses to prompt regenerative outgrowth are not well understood. Planarians can regenerate essentially any tissue removed by wounding, even after decapitation, due to robust regulation of adult pluripotent stem cells of the neoblast population. Formation of pole signaling centers involving Wnt inhibitors or Wnt ligands promotes head or tail regeneration, respectively, and this process requires the use of neoblasts early after injury. We used expression profiling of purified neoblasts to identify factors needed for anterior pole formation. Using this approach, we identified zic-1, a Zic-family transcription factor, as transcriptionally activated in a subpopulation of neoblasts near wound sites early in head regeneration. As head regeneration proceeds, the Wnt inhibitor notum becomes expressed in the newly forming anterior pole in zic-1-expressing cells descended from neoblasts. Inhibition of zic-1 by RNAi resulted in a failure to express notum at the anterior pole and to regenerate a head, but did not affect tail regeneration. Both injury and canonical Wnt signaling inhibition are required for zic-1 expression, and double-RNAi experiments suggest zic-1 inhibits Wnt signaling to allow head regeneration. Analysis of neoblast fate determinants revealed that zic-1 controls specification of notum-expressing cells from foxD-expressing neoblasts to form the anterior pole, which organizes subsequent outgrowth. Specialized differentiation programs may in general underlie injury-dependent formation of tissue organizing centers used for regenerative outgrowth.


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