清华教授《Clinical Cancer Research》发表肺癌新成果

【字体: 时间:2015年03月31日 来源:生物通


  2015年3月25日,清华笱抻勒驴翁庾榈难芯咳嗽痹诠拾┲⒀芯苛煊蛑诳禖linical Cancer Research》发表了一项最新研究成果,这项研究阐明了miR-30s对肺癌转移前微生境的一种新型调节机制,表明miR-30s不仅是肺癌抗转移治疗一种有前景的靶标,而且还是肺癌转移的指标。


生物通报道:2015年3月25日,清华大学罗永章课题组的研究人员在国际癌症研究领域著名期刊《Clinical Cancer Research》发表了一项最新研究成果,题为“The miR-30 family inhibits pulmonary vascular hyperpermeability in the premetastatic phase by direct targeting of Skp2 in mice”,这项研究阐明了miR-30s对肺癌转移前微生境的一种新型调节机制,表明miR-30s不仅是肺癌抗转移治疗一种有前景的靶标,而且还是肺癌转移的指标。延伸阅读:Cell Reports:肺癌是如何扩散的?

本文通讯作者罗永章,是****特聘教授、清华大学百名人才引进教授。1985年毕业于兰州大学化学系,1987年到美国留学,先后在美国田纳西州立大学、加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校和哈佛大学学习,1998年成为kosan生命科学有限公司的科学家。1993年获美国加州大学伯克利分校生物化学博士学位。曾先后在美国哈佛大学医学院生物化学和分子药物学系和斯坦福大学医学院生物化学系从事博士后研究工作。罗永章教授研究方向主要集中在新生血管信号转导途径、蛋白质折叠机理、蛋白质结构与功能之关系等领域,曾在Blood、Cancer Research、PNAS、Biochemistry等知名学术期刊发表论文。在世界上率先研发成功的抗肿瘤蛋白质工程药物重组人血管内皮抑制素,被评为2005 年中国十大科技新闻,2013年进入中国工程院院士增选有效候选人名单。

原发性肿瘤在转移之前,可能会在远端器官产生一种转移前微生境(premetastatic niche),以促进肿瘤细胞的传播。在转移前阶段,肺血管系统的通透性增加,以加速循环肿瘤细胞的外渗。然而,局部miRNAs是否有助于转移前微生境的血管通透性增高,目前尚不清楚。





The miR-30 family inhibits pulmonary vascular hyperpermeability in the premetastatic phase by direct targeting of Skp2 in mice
Purpose: Before metastasis, primary tumor can create a premetastatic niche in distant organ to facilitate the dissemination of tumor cells. In the premetastatic phase, the permeability of pulmonary vasculatures is increased to accelerate the extravasation of circulating tumor cells. However, it is not clear whether local miRNAs contribute to the vascular hyperpermeability of the premetastatic niche. Experimental Design: The expression of total miRNAs was determined using microarray in series of premetastatic lungs from tumor-bearing mice. Significantly differentially expressed miRNAs were identified and validated with qRT-PCR. Vascular permeability assays, vascular mimic systems, and orthotopic tumor models were used to investigate roles of selected miRNAs and target genes in premetastatic hyperpermeability. Results: We identified a miRNA signature in premetastatic lungs. Among these miRNAs, miR-30a, b, c, d and e were significantly attenuated. Subsequent investigations elucidated that lung fibroblast-derived miR-30s stabilized pulmonary vessels. Overexpression of miR-30s in lungs postponed metastasis and extended overall survival of B16 tumor-bearing mice. Following studies uncovered that Skp2 was directly targeted by miR-30s. Overexpression of Skp2 could disrupt pulmonary vessels, promote lung metastasis, and decrease overall survival of B16 tumor-bearing mice. Conclusions: These findings illuminate a novel mechanism for the modulation of premetastatic niches by miR-30s, which suggest that miR-30s represent not only promising targets for anti-metastasis therapy but also indicators of metastasis.

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