
【字体: 时间:2016年10月26日 来源:生物通


  10月20日,美国国家科学院院刊PNAS刊发了已逝诺奖得主钱永健研究组的一项学术成果,题为“Laminin targeting of a peripheral nerve-highlighting peptide enables degenerated nerve visualization”。


生物通报道:美国当地时间2016年8月24日,华裔诺贝尔化学家得主钱永健(Roger Y. Tsien)去世,享年64岁,他曾帮助科学家看到了以前从未想象过的东西。相关阅读:Nature新闻:钱永健——他照亮了生命科学华裔诺奖得主钱永健去世 GFP点亮生命科学


10月20日,美国国家科学院院刊PNAS刊发了钱永健研究组的一项学术成果,题为“Laminin targeting of a peripheral nerve-highlighting peptide enables degenerated nerve visualization”。荧光标记的神经结合肽NP41有望减少手术的神经损伤,并促进神经修复。临床转化依靠结合的靶标来评估潜在毒性和理解机制。为了识别靶标,该研究开发了一种受体捕获方法,可使我们能够进行共价标记和识别距离结合配体很近的蛋白质,最终研究将laminin-421和-211确定为NP41结合靶标。

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为了能够筛选分子靶标特异性的分子,用于更高的神经对比,识别潜在的毒性,科学家们一直都在寻找NP41的结合靶标。在这项研究中,研究人员利用配体邻近的光致氧化和一个改编版本的糖蛋白TRICEPS LRC,将细胞外基质蛋白laminin-421和-211确定为NP41的结合靶标。这个神经结合肽之前通过噬菌体展示技术得以确定,并被表明可在体内荧光标记神经,并提高手术辨识度,从而有可能减少医源性神经损伤。这一结果解释了NP41高光显示肉眼不可见的高度退化神经的惊人能力,这些神经缺乏髓鞘和轴突,但是包含Laminin丰富的细胞外基质。


Laminin targeting of a peripheral nerve-highlighting peptide enables degenerated nerve visualization
Abstract: Target-blind activity-based screening of molecular libraries is often used to develop first-generation compounds, but subsequent target identification is rate-limiting to developing improved agents with higher specific affinity and lower off-target binding. A fluorescently labeled nerve-binding peptide, NP41, selected by phage display, highlights peripheral nerves in vivo. Nerve highlighting has the potential to improve surgical outcomes by facilitating intraoperative nerve identification, reducing accidental nerve transection, and facilitating repair of damaged nerves. To enable screening of molecular target-specific molecules for higher nerve contrast and to identify potential toxicities, NP41’s binding target was sought. Laminin-421 and -211 were identified by proximity-based labeling using singlet oxygen and by an adapted version of TRICEPS-based ligand-receptor capture to identify glycoprotein receptors via ligand cross-linking. In proximity labeling, photooxidation of a ligand-conjugated singlet oxygen generator is coupled to chemical labeling of locally oxidized residues. Photooxidation of methylene blue–NP41-bound nerves, followed by biotin hydrazide labeling and purification, resulted in light-induced enrichment of laminin subunits α4 and α2, nidogen 1, and decorin (FDR-adjusted P value < 10−7) and minor enrichment of laminin-γ1 and collagens I and VI. Glycoprotein receptor capture also identified laminin-α4 and -γ1. Laminins colocalized with NP41 within nerve sheath, particularly perineurium, where laminin-421 is predominant. Binding assays with phage expressing NP41 confirmed binding to purified laminin-421, laminin-211, and laminin-α4. Affinity for these extracellular matrix proteins explains the striking ability of NP41 to highlight degenerated nerve “ghosts” months posttransection that are invisible to the unaided eye but retain hollow laminin-rich tubular structures.


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