TCI CUBIC Animal Tissue-Clearing Reagent
Versatile whole-organ/body staining and imaging based on electrolyte-gel properties of biological tissues

TCI CUBIC Animal Tissue-Clearing Reagent
Versatile whole-organ/body staining and imaging based on electrolyte-gel properties of biological tissues

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Versatile whole-organ/body staining and imaging based on electrolyte-gel properties of biological tissues">


东京大学/ RIKEN 研究所 Ueda教授和 Susaki博士与TCI合作将CUBIC组织透明化试剂商品化。本讲座主要介绍CUBIC发明的历程以及课题组最新的研究成果。

*CUBIC reagents are commercialized under invention licenses by RIKEN, Japan.

CUBIC-L (Product Number: T3740) and either CUBIC-R+(N) (Product Number: T3983) or CUBIC-R+(M) (Product Number: T3741) are required for tissue-clearing.
Please use a combination with CUBIC reagents according to your samples and purposes.


  • BASIC PROTOCOL: Soaking in only two products makes mouse whole-body or animal tissues clear. CUBIC-L (for delipidation and decoloring) and either CUBIC-R+(N) (for RI matching) or CUBIC-R+(M) (for RI matching).
    CUBIC-L: for delipidation and decoloring
    CUBIC-R+(N): for RI matching
    CUBIC-R+(M): for RI matching

  • OPTIONAL PROTOCOL: The following products can easily clear tissues which were previously difficult to clear.
    CUBIC-B: for bone
    CUBIC-HL: for highly fatty tissues and quenching autofluorescence
    CUBIC-P: for mouse perfusion efficiently aids with perfusion fixation

  • EXPANSION PROTOCOL: The following products can clear tissues with expansion.
    CUBIC-X1: for expansion tissues
    CUBIC-X2: for RI matching with keeping the expanded size

  • Preserve the fluorescent protein signals except CUBIC-HL.

  • Staining thick and large specimens uniformly
    CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit: for 3D immunostaining
    CUBIC-HV™1 3D nuclear staining kit: for 3D nuclear staining

  • Shorter sample treatment period.

  • Using light-sheet fluorescent microscopy (LSFM) or confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM) enables the whole-organ/body imaging at a cellular resolution.




Etsuo A. Susaki博士

Etsuo A. Susaki博士在2007年获得日本九州大学医学院研究生院医学博士学位。他的主要研究方向为多细胞系统的功能状态及调控机制。尤其是,他开发了CUBIC框架并实现了研究多细胞系统的细胞组学方法。最近,他成功研发了一种称为CUBIC-HistoVIsion的高效的器官和全身3D染色和成像技术。同时,他也是分子生物学、生物化学和遗传学方面的专家。他的部分代表性研究工作发表在Cell (2014), Nat. Commun. (2020)等顶级期刊上。目前他基于自身独特的研究背景和技术,揭示了多细胞系统(例如大脑和类器官)的隐藏状态以及衰老/衰老相关疾病的早期过程。

TCI CUBIC Animal Tissue-Clearing Reagent
Versatile whole-organ/body staining and imaging based on electrolyte-gel properties of biological tissues


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