
【字体: 时间:2009年03月27日 来源:Nature


  生物通报道,美国NIH神经疾病与中风研究所与德克萨斯州大学M.D. Anderson癌症研究中心等处的研究者在Nature在线版上发表了最新的研究见解,文章标题为:Compound vesicle fusion increases quantal size and potentiates synaptic transmission。主要解析了一种新的囊泡融合模式。


生物通报道,美国NIH神经疾病与中风研究所与德克萨斯州大学M.D. Anderson癌症研究中心等处的研究者在Nature在线版上发表了最新的研究见解,文章标题为:Compound vesicle fusion increases quantal size and potentiates synaptic transmission。主要解析了一种新的囊泡融合模式。






这次Nature上发表的文章中,巫教授等人发现了神经系统中一种新型的囊泡融合模式,他们将这种模式称为:Compound vesicl fusion(混合式囊泡融合,生物通译)。


突触是神经元间信息传递的特化结构,在突触前膜中,神经递质贮存在突触囊泡内,囊泡通过与胞浆膜融合产生胞吐作用释放出神经递质。传统的观点认为endocrine cells 存在有Compound vesicl fusion(混合式囊泡融合,生物通译),但是对 neuron 而言,有没有存在Compound vesicl fusion(混合式囊泡融合,生物通译),究竟是如何运作的,这一问题一直没有研究人员报道过。


巫教授带领的研究小组发现小鼠和大鼠的脑部活性区域存在有Compound vesicl fusion(混合式囊泡融合,生物通译)现象。研究人员捕捉到大的融合电容,这一电容比常规的电容量大~2-30倍。所以研究者认为在神经突触中存在有Compound vesicl fusion(混合式囊泡融合,生物通译)现象。



(生物通 张欢)

生物通推荐原文检索:Compound vesicle fusion increases quantal size and potentiates synaptic transmission


Exocytosis at synapses involves fusion between vesicles and the plasma membrane1. Although compound fusion between vesicles2, 3 was proposed to occur at ribbon-type synapses4, 5, whether it exists, how it is mediated, and what role it plays at conventional synapses remain unclear. Here we report the existence of compound fusion, its underlying mechanism, and its role at a nerve terminal containing conventional active zones in rats and mice. We found that high potassium application and high frequency firing induced giant capacitance up-steps, reflecting exocytosis of vesicles larger than regular ones, followed by giant down-steps, reflecting bulk endocytosis. These intense stimuli also induced giant vesicle-like structures, as observed with electron microscopy, and giant miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs), reflecting more transmitter release. Calcium and its sensor for vesicle fusion, synaptotagmin, were required for these giant events. After high frequency firing, calcium/synaptotagmin-dependent mEPSC size increase was paralleled by calcium/synaptotagmin-dependent post-tetanic potentiation. These results suggest a new route of exocytosis and endocytosis composed of three steps. First, calcium/synaptotagmin mediates compound fusion between vesicles. Second, exocytosis of compound vesicles increases quantal size, which increases synaptic strength and contributes to the generation of post-tetanic potentiation. Third, exocytosed compound vesicles are retrieved via bulk endocytosis. We suggest that this vesicle cycling route be included in models of synapses in which only vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane is considered1.

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