
【字体: 时间:2014年08月11日 来源:生物通


  最近,研究人员开发出一种强大的新工具,来识别引起抗生素耐药性的致病菌中的遗传变化。这种技术所得到的结果,可在未来十年内应用于临床,决定肺炎和脑膜炎这类疾病的最有效治疗方法。相关研究结果发表在2014年8月7日的《PLOS Genetics》杂志。


生物通报道:最近,研究人员开发出一种强大的新工具,来识别引起抗生素耐药性的致病菌中的遗传变化。这种技术所得到的结果,可在未来十年内应用于临床,决定肺炎和脑膜炎这类疾病的最有效治疗方法。相关研究结果发表在2014年8月7日的《PLOS Genetics》杂志。

研究小组着眼于肺炎链球菌(Streptococcus pneumoniae)的基因组,这种细菌每年导致全球160万人死亡。此项研究在同类之中是最详细的,在研究中,科学家们使用全基因组关联研究(GWAS),来查找细菌DNA编码中的单字母变化,这种变化能使它逃避抗生素的治疗。


本文第一作者、威康基金会桑格研究所的Claire Chewapreecha指出:“这项研究结果非常的有趣。我们第一次在大的规模上看到,能使细菌(如肺炎链球菌)对我们的疗法和控制产生抵抗的致病突变。我们开始看到,这将有助于我们在不久的将来,开发出更有效的治疗策略。”


为了克服这个障碍,研究人员使用最丰富的肺炎链球菌可用数据集,由玛希隆牛津热带医学研究部门的儿科医生Claudia Turner博士和临床微生物学家Paul Turner博士收集。研究人员从缅甸和泰国边境一个难民营的近1000名婴儿和母亲中,分离出3000多种肺炎链球菌的样本数据集,可提供足够的重组事件,为研究人员提供了关于引起耐药性的位点变化的精确数据。


本文资深作者Stephen Bentley教授称:“在这项研究中,我们已经表明,这种强大的遗传工具,改变了我们对于人类遗传学的理解,可以应用于细菌。这为抗生素耐药性、传播和毒性研究,开辟了新的途径,而以前在细菌基因组学中研究这些方面,被认为是不可能的。”


Julian Parkhill教授说:“揭开耐药性背后的所有单字母差异,对于未来用基因组测序预测临床微生物的抗生素敏感性,是至关重要的。GWAS,可让我们能够找出真正的遗传原因,从而能够做到这一点。”



Comprehensive Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Beta-lactam Resistance within Pneumococcal Mosaic Genes
Abstract:Traditional genetic association studies are very difficult in bacteria, as the generally limited recombination leads to large linked haplotype blocks, confounding the identification of causative variants. Beta-lactam antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae arises readily as the bacteria can quickly incorporate DNA fragments encompassing variants that make the transformed strains resistant. However, the causative mutations themselves are embedded within larger recombined blocks, and previous studies have only analysed a limited number of isolates, leading to the description of “mosaic genes” as being responsible for resistance. By comparing a large number of genomes of beta-lactam susceptible and non-susceptible strains, the high frequency of recombination should break up these haplotype blocks and allow the use of genetic association approaches to identify individual causative variants. Here, we performed a genome-wide association study to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and indels that could confer beta-lactam non-susceptibility using 3,085 Thai and 616 USA pneumococcal isolates as independent datasets for the variant discovery. The large sample sizes allowed us to narrow the source of beta-lactam non-susceptibility from long recombinant fragments down to much smaller loci comprised of discrete or linked SNPs. While some loci appear to be universal resistance determinants, contributing equally to non-susceptibility for at least two classes of beta-lactam antibiotics, some play a larger role in resistance to particular antibiotics. All of the identified loci have a highly non-uniform distribution in the populations. They are enriched not only in vaccine-targeted, but also non-vaccine-targeted lineages, which may raise clinical concerns. Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms underlying resistance will be essential for future use of genome sequencing to predict antibiotic sensitivity in clinical microbiology.

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